
  • 网络Male head
  1. 她离家出走以来,身边没有个男朋友还是头一回。

    For the first time since leaving home she is without a boyfriend .

  2. 你的男朋友也是头猪吗?

    Is your boyfriend a pig too ?

  3. 过去几年来,他留过斜刘海、飞机头、刺猬头甚至男版丸子头。

    Over the years , he has had side-swept , a quiff , spiky and even a man bun .

  4. 为了对现代军盔、防护面具等进行合理的外形和配件优化设计,须获取我军男兵的头面部三维特征和曲面信息,现有一维尺寸标准已不再满足需要。

    In order to correctly optimize the shape and the attachments of modern helmets and protective masks , the three dimensional characteristics and curvature information of the soldiers ' head face must be obtained because the existing one dimensional standards can no longer meet the requirements .

  5. 其余一切地方都被男男女女的头填满了。

    All the rest of the square was paved with heads .

  6. 经理:试这一顶?男:我的头看起来很大?

    Manager : This is a large hat . ? man : let me try it .

  7. 他们有男有女,头上都戴着某种王冠,许多人还戴着珍珠项链。

    There were men and women both . All wore coronets of some kind and many had chains of pearls .