
zuò bié
  • say goodbye;bid farewell;say good-bye;take one's leave
作别 [zuò bié]
  • [bid farewell;say good-bye;take one's leave] 分手;告别

  • 彼与此世界作别。--清. 梁启超《饮冰室合集.文集》

作别[zuò bié]
  1. 福尔摩斯来滑铁卢车站向我们作别。

    Holmes came to Waterloo Station to say goodbye to us .

  2. 她到这里来向逝去的过往道别;我们也都必须作别,这仅将残留在甜蜜痛楚回忆中的此景此境。

    She came to say goodbye , as we all must , to the past , and to a life and a place that soon would exist only in a bittersweet memory .

  3. 这首诗作别有一番意蕴。

    This poem has some unique appeal .

  4. 当你挥手作别,你手上

    On your hand as it waved adieu

  5. 你说他们用同一把枪作别的案子?

    You say they used the same gun for another crime ?

  6. 我轻轻的招手,作别西边的云彩。

    Quietly I wave goodbye to the rosy clouds in the western sky .

  7. 作别西天的云彩。

    To the rosy clouds in the western sky .

  8. 我轻轻的招手,作别西天的云彩。

    I wave to the western sky , Telling it goodbye softly , gently .

  9. 作别西天的云彩

    To the rosy clouds in the western sky

  10. 云,它们还和我在自己的国家与它们作别时一模一样。

    The clouds , they were the same as I left them in my country .

  11. 其它人看了一、两页以后就想作别的事了。

    Others like to look at a page or two before moving on to something else .

  12. “雨村自是欢喜,忙忙的叙了两句,遂作别各自回家。”

    " Yucun was naturally overioved , but after some hurried remarks each went his own way . "

  13. 他就给那井起名叫示巴。因此那城叫作别是巴,直到今日。

    And he gave it the name of shibah : so the name of that town is Beer-sheba to this day .

  14. 他们在一条普普通通的街道上匆忙作别了,但是对这两个平凡的人来说,这却是一个神圣的纪念。

    It was but a hurried parting in a common street , yet it was a sacred remembrance to these two common people .

  15. 凡误述汇票,并不使通知失效,但如接受通知人事实上因而有误解者,则作别论;

    A misdescription of the bill shall not vitiate the notice unless the party to whom the notice is given is in fact misled thereby ;

  16. 今年的5·17具有非常特别的意义,我们挥一挥手,作别原有的世界电信日,迎来了新的节日&世界电信和信息社会日。

    From the World Telecommunication Day to the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day , we welcome the new starting point on 17 May this year .

  17. 轻轻的我走了,正如我轻轻的来;我轻轻的招手,作别西天的云彩。

    I walked lightly , just as I come lightly ; I beckon with the hand , make lightly do not the Buddhist paradise 's clouds .

  18. 自死的和被野兽撕裂的,那脂油可以作别的使用,只是你们万不可吃。

    The fat of an animal found dead or torn by wild animals may be used for any other purpose , but you must not eat it .

  19. 假如我是,我毫不会告诉爸爸我已经长大到不再适合一个作别的亲吻了。

    If I had been a man , I would been a man , I would never have told my Dad I was too old for a good-bye kiss .

  20. 便在此时,忽然房门推开,跌跌撞撞的走进一个人来,正是那位已经留书作别的陆老师。

    Would have at this time , when suddenly the door open , and tumble into one person , it was who had left instructions to the land unless a teacher .

  21. 黄多克在公交车站与父母挥手作别,泪水却在她的眼眶中打转。这位18岁的姑娘是湖北经济学院的一名大一新生。

    Tears welling up in her eyes , Huang Duoke , 18 , a freshman at Hubei University of Economics , stands alone at the bus station and waves her parents goodbye .

  22. 我知道这日子将要来到,当我眼中的人世渐渐消失,生命默默地向我作别,把最后的帘幕拉过我的眼前。

    I know that the day will come when my sight of this earth shall be lost , and life will take its leave in silence , drawing the last curtain over my eyes .

  23. 窑匠用泥作的器皿,在他手中作坏了,他又用这泥另作别的器皿。窑匠看怎样好,就怎样作。

    And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter : so he made it again another vessel , as seemed good to the potter to make it .

  24. 在我暂时作别联盟之际,回首往事,在我过去的篮球之路上,有太多人深刻的影响过,启发过,鼓舞过我。对他们,我要说深深的道一声感谢。

    As I leave the league for now , there have been so many profound people who inspired me along my way . I have to say thank you for guiding me and having an enormous influence on the way I played basketball .