
  1. 在进一步调查后,我发现他死于而不作会,而所有试图追查其亲人w的徒劳无功。

    On further investigation , I found out that he died without making a WILL , and all attempts to trace his next of kin was fruitless .

  2. 那里的人拜偶像,有时甚至把他们的孩子杀了来祭祀偶像,他们认为这样作会使他们拜的偶像很高兴。

    People there worshipped idols , and even sometimes murdered their own children because they thought it would please the idols !

  3. 他说,这样作会影响经济发展,从而导致税收减少,结果反而使借债问题更加严重。

    He argues such cuts could hurt economic growth , which could result in lower tax receipts , and have the unintended consequence of making the debt worse .

  4. 凡心里受感和甘心乐意的都拿耶和华的礼物来,用以作会幕和其中一切的使用,又用以作圣衣。

    And everyone whose heart was moved , everyone who was guided by the impulse of his spirit , came with his offering for the lord , for whatever was needed for the tent of meeting and its work and for the Holy robes .

  5. 这个作加会在另一册中继续这个故事。

    The author will continue the story in another volume .

  6. 拿我们的经济危机作类比会更为恰当。

    The better analogy is to our economic crisis .

  7. 我能感受。我作噩梦会梦到坠机。

    I can relate to that . I have nightmares about plane crashes .

  8. 对之作评论会有失我的人格尊严。

    It 's beneath my dignity to comment .

  9. A我的一个朋友将作奥运会的志愿者。

    One of my friends is going to work as a volunteer during the Olympics .

  10. 结肠癌也会发生在儿童身上,此种疾病不能够以年龄作是否会得的依据。

    Colon cancer should not be excluded in childen only on the basis of age .

  11. 一天了感觉很疲劳,但愿今天所作的会有作用。

    I am exhausted after dashing about all day , wishing what I did today is helpful .

  12. 在学习洛克时,把他和波义耳作比较会非常有帮助。

    If you read Locke , it 's very useful to have in mind the comparison with Boyle .

  13. 所有透过网上捐款取得的个人资料,绝对保密,并只会作本会与阁下通讯之用。

    All personal information collected through e-donation will be treated as strictly confidential and used for communications purpose only .

  14. 假如纳兰容若不被关在金笼中,让他自由地在“林间自在啼”,他的词作又会是怎样一番气象呢?

    What would happen on Nalan Rongruo 's words , if he was not been shut in the cage , and be set free in the natural world ?

  15. 我们不应为政策失误而责怪他们绝大多数涉身其中的人以前从未经历过类似的崩盘,此外,他们也不知道所作决策会出现什么有违事实的情况。

    They should not be blamed for getting policy wrong most involved had never experienced anything like the meltdown before and , besides , the counterfactuals to decisions taken are unknowable .

  16. 就如同时间会令皮肤苍老却令灵魂充实一般,一部平庸之作也会成为鞭策赵薇在今后制作出佳作的动力。

    Just as time wrinkles the skin but enriches the soul , a mediocre film may as well be the best motivation for Zhao to make better ones in the future .

  17. 这样作不仅仅会使家庭更健康,企业更有竞争力,而且从长远来看,还将有助于减少我们的赤字。

    It 's a step that will not only make families healthier and companies more competitive , but over the long term it will also help us bring down our deficit .

  18. 唐代诗人杜工部曾说读书破万卷下笔如有神。俗语中也提到过,熟读唐诗三百首,不会作也会柳。

    Tang Dynasty poet Du and Industry said that " getting a study break rolls of God . " Proverbs also mentioned , Familiar with the Three Hundred Tang Poems , you write poem too .

  19. 玛莎百货公司的主席作的报告会透彻地讲明这一点。

    The report by Marks & Spencer 's chairman will ram this point home

  20. 借助SharedModel架构,在一个流程元素内所作的更改会(根据访问权限)立即可见并可由其他流程元素访问。

    With the Shared Model architecture , changes made in one process element are ( depending on access privileges ) immediately visible and accessible to other process elements .

  21. 他经常作美国红十字会的志愿者,并为其授课。

    He frequently volunteers and teaches classes for the American Red cross .

  22. 没有说该作的故事会在整个故事中的哪里发生。

    There 's no word on where this sits in the overall story yet .

  23. 你知道换作是你会怎么跟我说吗?

    You know what you 'd tell me ?

  24. 对子工作区所作的变更会只向该工作区添加变更。

    The changes made to a child Workspace add those modifications only to that Workspace .

  25. 平均数、比率、损益平衡分析和其他资料作比较通常会有帮助。

    Averages , ratios , break-even analyses , and comparisons with other exhibits are often helpful .

  26. 对此文件的更改可能导致不正确的行为,而且如果重新生成代码,所作的更改会丢失。

    Changes to this file might cause incorrect behavior and will be lost when the code is regenerated .

  27. 我一般不容易生气,且很容易原谅别人,在作决定前会搜集信息。

    I 'm generally slow to anger , quick to forgive and I take in information before making decisions .

  28. 但如果有份检查表作参考则会相对容易些。

    But , if a new checklist is to be believed , it 's rather simple to work out .

  29. 由于所有的过程都引用同一份缺省目标或样式表,因此所作的改动会在运行过程中自动应用于所有的脚本。

    Since all processes reference a single instance of these , changes are applied automatically to all scripts at execution .

  30. 施用工业污泥和生活污泥作肥料,会影响棕壤和褐土两种不同土壤地下的水质.用土柱来模拟实际土壤,对土柱进行淋洗。

    The utilizing industrial and living sludge as fertilizer can influence the underground water quality of brunisolic and cinnamon soil .