
chā rù diǎn
  • insert point;insertion point
  1. 按tab键直到插入点与上面的电话号码对齐,然后输入公司传真号码。

    Press tab until your insertion point is aligned with the telephone number above , and then type the company fax number .

  2. 这条绿色线是一个插入点,您可以通过按Tab键将光标移动到这个位置。

    The green line is an insertion point , and you can move the cursor to its location by pressing the Tab key .

  3. InfoQ:我们能使用表达式语言(ExpressionLanguage)巧妙地处理错误消息吗?或者说我们有消息的插入点吗(在{x}和{y}中间插入一个数字)?

    InfoQ : Can we use Expression Language for manipulating error messages and / or do we have insert points for messages ( enter a number between { x } and { y } )?

  4. 单击OK,然后单击Cancel,以选择变量对话框(如果单击OK来选择变量,那么它将把变量添加到插入点)。

    Click OK , and then click Cancel to the Select Variable dialog box ( if you click OK to select variable , it adds the variable at the insertion point ) .

  5. 当您输入第一个引号时,Eclipse立即提供了后一个引号,并将光标置于两个引号之间,还在第二个引号之后提供了一个插入点。

    When you type the open quote , Eclipse helpfully provides the closing quote , moves the cursor between the two quotes , and provides a new insertion point after the closing quote .

  6. WebSpherePortal编程模型包含各种API、SPI、JSPTaglib、Eclipse插入点和描述符,它们可以让您在不同级别自定义聚合步骤。

    The WebSphere Portal programming model consists of various APIs , SPIs , JSP Taglibs , Eclipse plug-points , and descriptors that let you customize the aggregation steps at different levels .

  7. 提出了动态建立约束Delaunay三角剖分(CDT)的算法,即在三角网剖分中可以动态地插入点或约束边,因此,该算法构建CDT的点集是可以动态扩充的。

    In this paper , a dynamical algorithm for constrained delaunay triangulation is proposed . It can dynamically insert points and constraint segments into the CDT , so the point sets can be dynamically expanded .

  8. 玛丽:没问题。喏,假设您想看某个程序的指南,您按下功能键F-5,再把插入点移到

    Mary : Sure . Now , let 's say you want to see the directory for a programme , you press the function key F-5 , then move the cursor

  9. 在使用AddPage方法启动新的页面以后(在这种情况下,这是唯一的页面),将字体设置为11点Helvetica并将插入点从页面的顶部移动到144点处。

    After using the AddPage method to start a fresh page ( the only page , in this case ), set the font to11-point Helvetica and move the insertion point to144 points from the top of the page .

  10. 在插入点插入剪贴板的内容。

    Insert the contents of the clipboard at the insertion point .

  11. 选定菜单将移动到插入点右侧。

    The selected menu moves to the right of the insertion point .

  12. 将插入点放至希望插入符号的位置。

    Position the insertion point where you want to insert the symbol .

  13. 您所键入的所有内容都是在插入点输入的。

    Whatever you type is entered at the insertion point .

  14. 除去插入点或选定对象中的所有链

    Remove link at the insertion point or all links within the selection

  15. 第二个括号之后的第一个插入点现在又重新出现了。

    The first insertion point , after the closing parenthesis , now reappears .

  16. 将插入点移至在新栏开始的位置。

    Position the insertion point where you want to start a new column .

  17. 请将插入点移至编辑框内,然后选择相应按钮。

    Insertion point in the edit box , then choose the appropriate button .

  18. 移动插入点,显示上一屏文档文本

    Moves the insertion point and document display to the previous screen of text

  19. 按退格键可删除插入点之前的字符。

    And pressing the Backspace key deletes the character before the insertion point .

  20. 把笔停在插入点上,直到一个双箭头出现。

    Rest the pen above the insertion point until a double-headed arrow appears .

  21. 在希望显示包含内容的位置放置插入点。

    Place the insertion point where you want the included content to appear .

  22. 蓝色的点线将会显示选择生命线的插入点。

    A dotted blue line will indicate the insertion point for the selected lifelines .

  23. 用户可以使用键盘或鼠标来移动插入点。

    The user can move the insertion point with the keyboard or the mouse .

  24. 当输入新文本时,插入点显示在新文本之后。

    When you type in new text it also appears after the insertion point .

  25. 连接器指明了设计器中的插入点。

    Connectors indicate insertion points in the designer .

  26. 随即打开代码编辑器,并且插入点位于事件处理程序中。

    The code editor opens with the insertion point positioned in the event handler .

  27. 出现一个下拉列表,该列表提供可在此插入点添加的有效元素。

    A drop-down list appears that offers valid elements to add at this insertion point .

  28. 每件夹克衫的衣领处都有一个插入点,能够为无线耳塞充电;

    The collar in each jacket also features a plug-in point to charge wireless earbuds .

  29. 使用此命令在插入点插入剪贴板内容的一个拷贝。

    Use this command to insert a copy of the clipboard contents at the insertion point .

  30. 此时光标又移动到了引号之外的插入点处了。

    You ll see that the cursor moves out of the quotes to the insertion point .