
chā chǐ
  • gear shaping
插齿[chā chǐ]
  1. MAAG插齿机的齿条加工插齿机运动曲线的研究

    Rackwork on Gear Shaping Machine The Motion Curve of Gear Shapers

  2. 对插齿控制运动进行描述。

    The controlling movements of gear shaping are described .

  3. 基于Windows平台的插齿刀CAD/CAPP系统

    CAD / CAPP System for Gear-slotting Cutters Based on Windows OS

  4. 新构形法硬齿面插齿刀及其CAD

    New configured hardened face gear pinion cutter and its CAD

  5. 变位插齿刀的数学模型及其CAD研究

    The Mathematical Model of Deflection Slotting Cutter and It 's CAD Research

  6. 直齿插齿刀CAD软件研制中数模的探讨

    Mathematical Models in CAD Software Developed for Spur Shaper Cutter

  7. 插齿刀CAD系统的设计与加工过程仿真

    Design and Process Simulation of Gear Shaper Cutter CAD System

  8. 基于PLC的数控齿条插齿机的研究

    Research on Numerical Controlled Rack Shaper on the Basis of PLC

  9. 插齿刀CAD图形输出系统

    Drawing Output System of CAD of Gear Shaper Cutter

  10. 插齿刀CAD系统的开发与应用

    Development and Application of CAD System for Pinion Cutter

  11. K形齿的插齿修形方法

    Profile Modification Method for K-teeth while Gear Shaper Cutting

  12. 对原机床重新设计和编制了齿扇插齿机的总体控制程序、PLC程序和NC加工程序。

    The whole control program PLC program and NC program are redesigned .

  13. 渐开线型插齿刀CAD/CAM几何模型的新探讨

    A study on cad / cam geometric model of involute gear shaping cutter

  14. 基于PC的数控插齿研究

    A study of NC shaper based on PC

  15. 基于Windows操作系统的插齿刀设计

    The Design of CAD System for Radical Changeable Matrix Slotting Teeth Cutter Based on Windows Operating System

  16. 具有自定义轨迹插补功能的新型插齿CNC系统开发研究

    Development of a New Gear Shaping CNC System

  17. 本文着重介绍了插齿刀CAD图形输出系统研制的基本原理。

    This paper presents the principle of designing a drawing output system of CAD of gear shaper cutter .

  18. 专用插齿刀最大变位系数(X0)(max)的选择

    Approximation of Maximum Modification Coefficient ( X_0 ) max for Special Tooth - Slotting Tool

  19. 基于ADAMS的数控插齿机加工精度研究

    The Study of the Machining Accuracy of CNC Gear Shaper Based on ADAMS

  20. 介绍了为适应集成化要求而开发的插齿刀CAD/CAPP集成系统的结构及功能。

    The structures and functions of the CAD / CAPP integrated system for gear shaper cutters are introduced .

  21. 基于STD总线的非圆齿轮插齿机柔性数控系统

    Flexible NC system for non-circle gear shaping machine based on STD Bus

  22. 变速比齿扇插齿加工的新型CNC系统汽车转向机摇臂轴精锻成形工艺

    A New CNC System for Variable Ratio Sector Gear Shaping Precision Forging Technology for the Steering Sector Gear Shaft

  23. 介绍了基于VB环境的插齿刀CAD系统的构成与主要模块功能。

    The make up and modular functions of a CAD system for gear shaper cutters based on VB condition are introduced .

  24. 试验结果表明,用该方法加工的锥基波形前刀面硬齿面插齿刀接近AA级标准。

    Their results show that the cutter 's machining accruacy approaches to the criterion of AA level .

  25. 研究了变位插齿刀CAD系统的总体结构框架,并对有关的功能模块进行了详细设计。

    At this foundation , the gross structure frame of modification coefficient slotting cutter CAD system and detailed analyses and Design concerned functional module was studied .

  26. 介绍了一个基于SolidworksAPI而开发的外啮合直齿插齿刀CAD软件。

    A CAD software based on SolidWorks API is introduced , which is used for external slotting cutter with straight tooth .

  27. 介绍了一种基于PC平台的数控插齿加工的工作原理,给出了系统的硬件体系结构和软件设计方法。

    The paper introduces the theory of NC shaper based on PC , and discusses the hardware - structure and the software - method of the system .

  28. 给出用锥形砂轮磨制矩花键轴螺旋插齿刀的CAD/CAM数学模型,并结合具体算例验证了方法及模型的可靠性。

    The author give CAD / CAM mathematical model of rectangular spline gear spiral shaping cutter with cone-type grinding wheel , and verify the stability of this model with practical example .

  29. 数控插齿机NUM数控系统的安装调试

    Installation and Adjustment of NUM Numerical Control System in Gear Cutting Machine

  30. 本文阐明了用线性化法逼近专用插齿刀最大变位系数(X0)(max)的方法。

    In this paper , the author discusses a method for approximating the maximum modification coefficent ( x_0 ) _ ( max ) for special tooth-slotting tool with linearized method .