
  • 网络Plug-in hybrid vehicle;PHEV;plug-in hybrid electric vehicle;phv
  1. 可外接插电式混合动力汽车(Plug-inhybridelectricvehicle),简称PHEV,是一种具有两种运行模式的油电混合动力汽车。

    Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle ( PHEV ) is an oil-electricity mixed hybrid electric vehicle with two operation modes .

  2. 插电式混合动力汽车动力系统参数研究

    A Study of Parameter Design of Power and Transmission System for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle

  3. 但中国汽车工业协会(ChinaAssociationofAutomobileManufacturers)的数据显示,2012年中国消费者仅购买了11375辆纯电动汽车和1416辆插电式混合动力汽车,尽管每辆车政府最高给予2万美元的补贴。

    But last year , Chinese consumers bought only 11375 electric cars and 1416 plug ins , according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers . That 's despite subsidies that go as high as $ 20000 per car .

  4. 根据中国汽车工业协会(ChinaAssociationofAutomobileManufacturers)发布的数据,今年上半年,中国的电动汽车销量超过2.04万辆,超过了2013年全年纯电动汽车和插电式混合动力汽车的总销量。

    More than 20400 electric vehicles were sold in the first half of this year , according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers ( CAAM ) , exceeding the number of pure electric cars and plug-in hybrids sold in all of 2013 .

  5. 为了弥补这点,插电式混合动力汽车(例如雪佛兰伏特(ChevroletVolt)和宝马(BMW)的330e)配备了两个引擎(一个是内燃机,一个是电动发动机)。

    Plug-in hybrids , such as the Chevrolet Volt and BMW 330e , make up for that by having two engines - one combustion and one electric .

  6. 宝马(BMW)和梅赛德斯(Mercedes)的所有者戴姆勒(Daimler)已在开发用于插电式混合动力汽车的感应板,让这些汽车可以无线充电。

    BMW and Daimler , the owner of Mercedes , are already developing induction pads for their plug-in hybrid cars that allow them to charge without the use of a cable .

  7. 根据十二五规划,到2015年中国纯电动汽车和插电式混合动力汽车的数量将达到50万辆,并在2020年达到500万辆。

    The five-year plan calls for 500,000 battery-electric and plug-in electric vehicles by 2015 , and five million by 2020 .

  8. 根据“十二五”规划,到2015年中国纯电动汽车和插电式混合动力汽车的数量将达到50万辆,并在2020年达到500万辆。

    The five-year plan calls for 500000 battery-electric and plug-in electric vehicles by 2015 , and five million by 2020 .

  9. 中国政府的新策略似乎是在普及纯电动汽车前,先把插电式混合动力汽车作为一项中间过渡技术进行推广。

    The Chinese government 's new strategy appears to be to promote plug-in hybrids as an interim technology before fully electric cars kick in .

  10. 插电式混合动力汽车比单纯汽油动力汽车的废气排放量更少,尤其是当他们使用电源运行时,完全不会产生废气。

    Plug-in electric hybrids give off less exhaust than gas guzzlers . And when they 're running on battery power , they generate no fumes at all .

  11. 2014年,该公司在中国的汽车销量估计为3500辆,低于它自己设定的目标,也不如中国竞争对手比亚迪和北京汽车生产的纯电动汽车以及插电式混合动力汽车。

    The company sold an estimated 3,500 cars in 2014 , below its sales goal and behind electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles produced by Chinese rivals BYD and BAIC .

  12. 中国国务院去年说,希望纯电动汽车和插电式混合动力汽车的产量2015年达到50万辆,2020年达到500万辆。

    Last year , the State Council , China 's cabinet , said it hopes output of pure electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles reaches 500,000 by 2015 and 5 million by 2020 .

  13. 关于这款插电式混合动力汽车的信息还不是很多,但由于这款车型本来计划在下周的底特律汽车展上才正式亮相,能够提前一睹它的真容,让不少记者兴奋不已。

    Not much information was available about the plug-in electric car , but journalists were excited to take a look before the car is officially unveiled next week at the Detroit auto show .

  14. 锂离子可循环电池是最有潜力的电源系统,它可以提供更高的工作电压及能量密度因而有望用做大规模能量存储及电动汽车和插电式混合动力汽车的车载能量存储的电池。

    Lithium-ion rechargeable batteries are the most promising power system that can offer a higher operative voltage and energy density being used in large scale energy storage , electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles .

  15. 插电式混合动力汽车可以利用夜间的市电低谷进行充电,平时在市区行驶完全可以以纯电动方式工作,极大地节省了开支,降低了对环境的污染。

    Plug-in hybrid vehicles can take advantage of low electricity at night to recharge , usually in urban driving in pure electric mode can work , significant savings in costs and reduce environmental pollution .

  16. 该咨询公司指出,较长期来看,新的汽车技术(例如插电式混合动力汽车)可能标志着我们所知的碳氢化合物时代的结束,我们将进入电气化交通时代。

    Longer term , the consultancy notes that new auto technologies , such as plug-in hybrids , may mark the end of the hydrocarbon era as we know it and usher in the era of electrified transportation ' ' .

  17. 销售电动巴士汽车和轿车的比亚迪,在2016年上半年,其新能源汽车销售增长了130%,在插电式混合动力汽车领域,比亚迪的市场份额持续达到了65%。

    BYD , which sells electric buses as well as cars , saw a 130 % increase in new energy vehicle sales in the first half of 2016 , allowing the company to strengthen its hold on the Chinese plug-in vehicle market with a 65 % share .

  18. 中国已在采取英国等国被迫思考的措施:中国正通过拍卖汽车号牌所有权,禁止重污染汽车在城市行驶,同时允许电动汽车和插电式混合动力汽车等“新能源汽车”无限制上路。

    China is already doing what countries such as the UK are being forced to consider : it is banning heavily polluting cars from cities by auctioning the right to own vehicle number plates while allowing " new energy vehicles " such as electric cars and plug-in electric hybrids an open road .

  19. 基于CVT的插电式混合动力电动汽车系统研究

    Study on Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle System Based on the CVT

  20. 插电式串联混合动力汽车系统设计及仿真研究

    Study on System Design and Simulation for Plug-in Series Hybrid Electric Vehicle

  21. 还有,为你的插电式混合动力电动汽车充电。

    And charging your plug-in hybrid electric vehicle .

  22. 标致昨日还宣布了投放一款插电式柴油混合动力汽车的计划。这是业内首款将蓄电池与柴油发动机合用的汽车,将于2012年投放市场。

    Peugeot yesterday also announced plans to launch a plug-in hybrid diesel the industry 's first to couple a rechargeable battery with a diesel engine .