
  1. BEYOND被公认为华语乐坛上最成功和最有影响力的乐队!

    BEYOND Chinese music scene is recognized as the most successful and most influential band !

  2. 陶喆是金曲奖得主,还因创建交叉体裁的R&B而著名,硬摇滚曲调已经成为他的签名风格,他使R&B音乐曲调在华语乐坛得以闻名。

    Tao is a Golden Melody Award-winner and is well known for creating a crossover genre of R & B and hard rock tunes which has now become his signature style and for having popularized R & B in the Mandopop industry .

  3. 他们是华语乐坛的一大不可超越的奇迹!

    They are one of Chinese music can not go beyond a miracle !

  4. 这支五人乐队早已成为华语乐坛的一个传奇。

    The five-member band has long become a legend in the Chinese music world .

  5. 邓丽君是迄今为止华语乐坛最为成功、知名度最高的歌手之一,她用歌声造就了一个邓丽君时代,对华语乐坛特别是中国流行音乐的发展有着举足轻重的作用。

    Teresa Teng was one of the most successful and famous singers in the circle of Chinese music . She has created " the age of Teresa Teng " by her singing . She played a pivotal role in the development of Chinese popular music .

  6. 王力宏:因为这是座需要用无限潜能和丰富知识领域去攀越的高山(比喻华语流行乐坛)。

    Wang Lee Hom : Because it is a mountain that needs to be climbed with so much potential and territory .

  7. 21世纪前十年,中西流行音乐交融出现了一个真正意义上的高峰,即华语流行乐坛不可忽视的一个关键词&中国风。

    The first decade of the 21st century , blending Chinese and Western pop music , there is a real peak & " Chinese style " which can not be ignored in Chinese pop music .