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  1. 在图腾艺术中,龙是华夏和汉民族的保护神,更是中华民族的标志和象征。

    In Chinese totem art , dragon is the symbol of the Chinese since it is the patron saint of the Hans .

  2. 现有资料支持华夏和扬子两地块在晚元古代碰撞拼合的解释。在晚元古代以前该地区至少发生过两次热动力变质作用。

    The data offered here favor that the collision between the Yangtze and Cathysia blocks happened in the late Proterozoic era . Before Later Proterozoic era , in this area more than two times of thermodynamic metamorphism took place .

  3. 另外,碎屑锆石的Hf同位素研究结果表明华夏地块和扬子地块西北部在古-中古元古代时期存在存在显著的新生地壳物质,这一特征完全不同于西澳大利亚。

    Besides , detrital zircons in Cathaysia and NW Yangtze indicate significant juvenile input during Paleo-to Mesoproterozoic according to the zircon Hf isotopes , which are distinctly different from Western Australia .

  4. 中国远古玉文化&华夏礼仪和中华儒学之源

    Jade culture of China remote antiquity a source of China comity and Confucianism

  5. 东南亚地区作为华夏文明和印度文明的接触地带,沟通了中国和古印度两大文明古国。

    As a contact zone of Chinese civilization and Indian civilization , Southeast Asian has communicated China and ancient India .

  6. 中国古建筑以其悠久的历史和丰富的文化内涵,成为华夏文明和世界文明的重要组成部分。

    Chinese ancient building becomes an important part of cathaysia and world civilization as its time-honored history and rich in culture .

  7. 楚汉漆器装饰纹样有着鲜明的民族地域文化,是由华夏文化和东夷文化融汇而成的综合性文化。

    Chu lacquer decorative patterns have a distinct national , regional culture , regional culture is the embodiment of Chu and Han .

  8. 黄酒是中华民族传统酒,也是华夏瑰宝和酒中奇葩。

    Rice wine , a kind of Chinese traditional wine , is a famous in the world and considered as treasure of China .

  9. 本文从文化的角度入手首先对文化进行概述,进而对华夏文化和英美文化作了描述,并对中西方的文化差异做了比较。

    From the perspective of culture , this paper firstly described Chinese culture and American culture , and then analyzed their culture differences .

  10. 唐诗英译是汉语诗歌英译最具代表性的高雅文学翻译实践,是展示悠久的华夏文化和辉煌的唐朝文化的桥梁。

    As a bridge between Chinese culture and Western culture , Tang Poetry translation into English is the most typical and elegance-based work in Chinese – English translation .

  11. 桂北金矿(化)位于江南古陆南端的东南缘,南岭东西向复杂构造带与华夏系和新华夏系构造的交接部位。

    The gold deposits in northern Guangxi are located on the southeastern margin of South China ancient land , at the intersection of Nanling EW-trending structure and Cathaysian structure .

  12. 正是华夏文化和草原文化这两种完全不同的文化互相冲突的结果,就形成了一个独特的、有两重性格的赵文化。

    It is just the result of the clash between Cathaysian culture and Prairie culture , these two completely different cultures that forms a unique and double-character Zhao Culture .

  13. 结果表明,本区主要受北北东向新华夏构造和北西向的断裂构造影响。

    To , toward , or in the north-northeast . The results indicated that this region is mainly affected by the NNE Neocathaysian orogeny and the NW rift tectonic .

  14. 用现代产品设计的眼光对传统的剪纸艺术进行再思索、再创作,以充分体现中华民族几千年华夏文明和深厚的文化内涵,这其中对创新性的要求不言而喻。

    It asks for more creativity so as to fully represent and interpret the Chinese civilization and its profound culture intension through re-thinking and re-creating with the view of the modern product designing .

  15. 再通过对“三礼”中关于用玉的论述和规定的辨析,最后认为中国远古玉文化之源是华夏礼仪和中华儒学。

    In the end it is concluded that Chinese comity and Confucianism is origin in Chinese remote antiquity jade culture through the analysis of regulations of jade use in Shanli ( three etiquettes ) .

  16. 湘东&赣西构造岩浆带位于郯庐断裂南延的关键性部位。结果表明,本区主要受北北东向新华夏构造和北西向的断裂构造影响。

    Eastern Hunan - western Jiangxi ( EHWJ ) is an important site of Tan - Lu fault south elongation . The results indicated that this region is mainly affected by the NNE Neocathaysian orogeny and the NW rift tectonic .

  17. 晚奥陶世早志留世华夏地块和扬子地块的碰撞带在广西仅限于它的东北部,表现为震旦系下志留统近南北向的线形褶皱带。

    The Late Ordovician Early Silurian collision belt in Guangxi , between the Cathaysian and Yangtze blocks , can only be seen in its northeastern part , and this belt is presented as the N S oriented Sinian Early Silurian linear fold belt .

  18. 这就要求我们重新审视奠基于华夏文明和中国经济现实的人文管理思想,探讨管理学的思想如何从西化逐渐转变为中西融合化,理清中西管理思想融合的内在机理。

    Thus , it requires us to search into the humanitarian management thoughts based on our own unique culture and economy and probe how westernization gradually changes into merger between China and west . And , to see clear the inner mechanism of the merger .

  19. 建议投资者应该减小或者降低这两只ETF的投资,并且建议基金经理加强对华夏上证50ETF和华夏中小板ETF的运作管理。

    We advise investors to reduce the investment of SSE-50 and SME Board ETF and also suggest the fund manager to strengthen the management and operation of the two ETFs . 2 .

  20. 华夏是中国和汉族的古称。

    China and the Han Chinese in ancient times known .

  21. 两个大陆边缘系统,即北侧的泛华夏大陆边缘和南侧的冈瓦纳大陆边缘。

    The two Continental Margin Systems were the north part of the Pan-Cathaysian continental margin and the south part of Gondwana continental margin .

  22. 民族声乐和黄梅戏演唱艺术有着千丝万缕的联系,两者都属于民族音乐,是华夏民族文化和艺术的重要组成部分,是中华民族精神的象征。

    There are countless links between Huang-Mei and National-Vocal . They are both folk music , which is an important part of Chinese culture and arts .

  23. 确立社稷崇拜,将始祖稷作为农业神与土地神一同尊奉,体现了以周王朝为代表的华夏农业文化和宗法文化的结合。

    The commemoration of the land gods and the agriculture gods showed the fundamental characteristic of Zhou that was combined with the agriculture and the patriarchal culture .

  24. 20世纪,甲骨学已成为一门国际性的显学,是探讨华夏古代文明和传统文化渊源的前沿窗口。

    In the 20th century , the study of the inscriptions on bones had become an " international " learning and a window of probing into China 's ancient civilization and traditional culture .

  25. 在石炭纪和二叠纪,华夏植物区和欧美植物区皆位于具热带气候的赤道区,在类似的气候条件下,这两个地区的一些植物具有形态上的相似性。

    The Cathaysian and Euramerican floral provinces were both located in the equatorial regions in tropical climates , and some plants from the two areas had morphological similarities under similar climatic condition during the Carboniferous and Permian .

  26. 环县地处甘肃东部、庆阳市西北部、陕甘宁三省交界处,为华夏农耕文化和中华民族最早发祥地之一,也是一块红色革命圣地。

    HuanXian , as the earliest Chinese farming culture and the birthplace of the Chinese nation is located in eastern Gansu , northwest of Qingyang City , Ningxia provinces and Shanxi province at the junction , which also is a Chinese revolutionary site .

  27. 在人们耳际荡起滔滔势的余响,表达了对华夏河山的赞美和热爱。

    The lingering echo of the dashing waters are a paean of praise to and an expression of love for China 's landscape .

  28. 黄河塑造了共和国最年轻的土地&黄河三角洲,她在赋予了华夏儿女广阔土地和丰富资源的同时,也给黄河流域的人民带来了深重的灾难。

    She not only gives Chinese people rich resources and vast lands , but also brings the people besides Yellow River heavy disaster .

  29. 炎黄文化和黄帝时代为华夏民族的形成和华夏人在亚洲东部地区最早进入文明社会奠定了基础。

    The Yan and Huang culture and the Yellow Emperor era made it possible for the Chinese to enter the earliest social civilization .

  30. 它对于华夏政权的建立和巩固及少数民族地区的稳定,具有重要的积极作用;

    The statute gave an important positive effect to the establishment and consolidation of Hua-Xia political power , and the stability of the ethnic groups .