
  1. 那人弯下腰去,蹲了一会儿,到他重行立起时,那只手上已没有戒指了。

    The man bent over , remained in a crouching attitude for a moment , and when he rose there was no longer a ring on the hand .

  2. 左行右立这种扶梯礼仪背后的逻辑显而易见。

    The logic behind the stand right , walk left escalator etiquette seems obvious .

  3. “左行右立”这种扶梯礼仪背后的逻辑显而易见。

    The logic behind the " stand right , walk left " escalator etiquette seems obvious .

  4. 尽管如此,在这个快节奏的大都市里,大多数人还是会遵守左行右立的礼仪。

    Even so , most people in this fast-paced metropolis observe the stand right , walk left etiquette .

  5. 尽管如此,在这个快节奏的大都市里,大多数人还是会遵守“左行右立”的礼仪。

    Even so , most people in this fast-paced metropolis observe the " stand right , walk left " etiquette .

  6. 对一些乘坐地铁出行的来说,“左行右立”这个电梯文明行为并不是一定要严格遵守的。

    For some subway passengers in Shanghai , the escalator etiquette of " standing on the right , climbing on the left " is strictly optional .

  7. 在包括北京和伦敦在内的许多城市中,扶梯上会贴有“左行右立”标识来疏导人流。

    Many cities " escalators , including London 's and Beijing 's , use the " stand right , walk left " system to speed up the flow of people .

  8. 那次试行共持续了三周,结果证明,扶梯两侧同时站人可以有效减少30%的拥堵——在高峰时段,扶梯每小时可载16220人次。但以前左行右立的时候,每小时只有12745人次通过。

    The previous test , which lasted for three weeks , showed that standing actually reduced congestion by 30 per cent - 16220 people an hour were able to travel on the escalator during rush hour compared to the usual 12745 when both standing and walking are allowed .

  9. 方法对40例特发性脊柱侧凸患者的45个结构性弯曲行术前站立位,仰卧正侧位,仰卧正屈位和支点弯曲位X线摄片。

    Methods 40 case of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis ( AIS ) with 45 structural curves were studied , preoperative X-films of standing , supine anterior-posterior and lateral plane , supine anterior-operation in thoracic and fulcrum-bending .