
  1. 关于中国旅游业行政管理行为与特征的若干认识

    Some Views on the Administrative Behaviour of China 's Tourism Industry and Its

  2. 治安部门的现场执法活动是一种特殊的治安行政管理行为。

    Scene law enforcement of law and order department is a special management action .

  3. 行政管理行为由行政决策、行政执行和行政监督三大块构成,其中行政决策是核心和基础。

    The action of administration consists of three parts : the decision-making , the implementation and the supervision .

  4. 对高等教育教学质量进行监控是政府的一种公共行政管理行为,亦是政府不可放弃的责任。

    It is not only a kind of public administration activity but also a responsibility that can not be given up for the government to monitor the teaching and learning quality of higher education .

  5. 城市社区治安管理是指为维护城市社会秩序,保障社会生活正常进行,有关管理部门在社区依法行使的治安行政管理行为。

    Urban community policing management refers to the city for maintaining social order , guarantee the normal social life , relevant administrative department of the public security in the community in the exercise of the administrative behaviors .

  6. 论单位违反治安行政管理的行为

    On the Action of Unit Violating Peace Order Administration

  7. 高校可诉性管理行为基本范围。对高校作出的能被提起行政诉讼的具体管理行为的基本范围作了分析、论证。

    Fourth , the range of suable administrative behavior in colleges and universities & This part makes an analysis and argument on the range of the concrete administrative behaviors which can be disputed at administrative litigation law or not .

  8. 根据现代行政法制的原则,城市规划行政管理的各项行为都要有法律的授权,并依法施行管理。

    Planning power exercised by government must have its mandate from laws or by-laws , and all the activities of urban planning administration must bound by law .

  9. 行政承诺是一种新的行政管理方式和行政行为。行政承诺具有自身特征。

    Administrative promise is a new way of administration and administrative behaviour , and it has its own characteristics .

  10. 这两者都对行政管理的效应有着直接影响,而其中更居决定性地位的则是实施行政管理行为的管理者。

    These all have direct influence to the administration effect , in which moves the decisive status is the superintendent that implements the administration behavior .

  11. 但是,为了全面展现吐蕃王朝时期行政管理领域的基本规范,我们对相关社会历史文献进行了整理,总结出了一些关于行政管理行为的规范,并与以上行政法律规范一并加以论述。

    However , in order to fully demonstrate the basic norms of administrative management of Tubo Dynasty , we summarized the related social historical documents , summarized some of the administrative behavior , together with administrative law discussed above .