
  1. 建筑经济管理中神经网络的应用

    Application of Neural Networks in Construction Economics and Management

  2. 建筑经济管理类课程在土木工程专业中的地位越来越重要,如何在有限的学时内使学生掌握较为系统、实用的建筑经济管理知识,已成为一个重要课题。

    The courses of construction economics and management play a very important role in civil engineering education .

  3. 评价指标的赋权采用改进型的层次分析法,并设计了指标赋权问卷,收集了来自市政工程领域和建筑经济管理领域的专家意见,计算得到各有关评价指标的权重。

    To determinate the index weight , the paper adopts improved AHP method and designs a questionnaire , which helps gathering the opinions of experts from correlative field .

  4. 分析了神经网络的特征及其信息处理的特点,指出了建筑经济管理研究面临的问题,研究了神经网络与建筑经济管理结合的必要性和可行性,以及神经网络在建筑经济管理中应用的领域。

    This paper discusses the characteristic of neural network and problems in construction economics and management research , analyzes the necessity and feasibility of combination of neural network and construction economics and management , and puts forward the related application fields .

  5. STS思想应用于建筑经济与企业管理教学实践探索

    Mix the ideology of STS with the study and practice of the course of architectonic economy and enterprise management

  6. 建筑经济与企业管理

    Architectural Economy & Enterprise Management

  7. 由于物业管理是新兴产业,具有综合性、复杂性的多学科特点,因而吸引了如建筑、经济、管理、工程等众多门类的专业人才。

    Property Management , as a new industry , has attracted different kinds of specialized talents , such as architecture , economy management and engineering , and so on .