
  1. 测氡在城市建筑选址中的应用

    The application of the Radon measurement in the selection of the architecture location E City

  2. 杭州中高档老年公寓需求与建筑选址探析

    Searches Analyzes the Demand and Construction Address Choice of Intermediate and Senior Old Age Apartments in Hangzhou

  3. 为了应对自然环境的变化,建筑选址的地貌类型也随之迁移到海拔较高的台墩和坡地上。

    Construction site moved to platforms and slope fields with high altitude in order to response environmental change .

  4. 第三章从商业建筑选址原则以及商业建筑外环境设计目标原则两方面进行分析。

    In the third chapter , it mainly discusses the designing principle of the exterior environment of modern commercial building .

  5. 勉县武侯祠的建筑选址、总体布局以及建筑风格等都充分显示出了较高的艺术价值和独到的陕南建筑地方特色和手法。

    It has higher value of art and distinctive Shannan architectural style on the temple 's location , layout and style .

  6. 社区化理念下的高校表演艺术建筑选址及布局研究&以东南地区为例

    The research of location and layout to the performing arts building in the universities based on the concept of community & as an example to south-east

  7. 本文阐述了在建筑选址、围护结构系统等方面整体设计的要点,希望能对设计人员有所启迪。

    The key points of integrated design for the building site selecting and building envelope system were elaborated , and effect enlighten to the architect designer are expected .

  8. 在空间环境方面,对建筑选址、总体布局、建筑朝向、建筑平面、体型及营造技术进行了分析;

    About the spatial environment , the thesis analyzed the site selection , the layout and orientation of building , the plan and bodily form design , the construction technique .

  9. 本文分析了城市建设与城市交通的基本关系,提出了城市大型公共建筑选址中的交通问题及解决方法。

    Abstract The article analyses the basic relation of city buildings and traffic , puts forward the traffic problem and solution in selecting the sites for the large city public buildings .

  10. 通过上述的研究方法,探讨出:一、陕西唐宋石窟寺在建筑选址、建筑构成、建筑布局方面的发展规律及特点。

    Through the research approach above , it can be concluded as follows : First , the development rule and characteristic of the Shaanxi grotto Temple of Tang and Song Dynasty in building site selection , building constructing and building arrangement .

  11. 白云山庙的建筑选址、建筑布局以及建筑风格等都充分显示出了较高的艺术价值,因此,对于白云山庙的研究、分析以及它的保护和发展都有着重要的历史意义和文化意义。

    It is the largest taoist buildings of the Northwest Mt Baiyun taoist temple 's site selection , layout and architectural style fully demonstrates higher artistic value . So the research , analysis , protection and development of Mt Baiyun taoist temple have important historic significance and culture significance .

  12. 城市发展改造与市政办公建筑的选址基本原则;

    Construction site selection and urban development ;

  13. 谢灵运在经营始宁庄园时,山居建筑大多选址在山峰处。

    It is noteworthy that the mountain buildings which Xie Lingyun constructed in Shining Manor were mostly located at mountain peak .

  14. 结果表明西安市现有建筑在选址和规划方面可以满足居民的日常需求。

    The result indicated the existing construction in Xi'an may meet inhabitant 's daily need in the building site and the plan aspect .

  15. 而这些建筑在选址、空间布局、单体建筑设计等方面所反映出来的设计思想,对于现代的建筑设计而言也有着很大的借鉴意义。

    And the theories about selected location , layout , building designs of these historic buildings are good for the designs of modem buildings .

  16. 中国风水是中国建筑环境选址、规划、设计、营造中的基本依据、规范和指导思想。

    Chinese geomancy Fengshui was the fundamental basis , norm and guiding ideology for site selection of environment , planning , design and building of a residence .

  17. 徽州民居建筑在选址、用地、材料、结构、造型等方面,与徽州地理环境和谐、协调。

    The location , land use , material , structure , modelling and decorating of the traditional house in Huizhou are in harmony with natural environment in Huizhou .

  18. 在论文的第三部分,对移动通信枢纽建筑在选址和总图布局,功能单元设计,平面空间组合设计,单元造型设计,外部空间设计等方面,进行了探讨和归纳总结。

    The third part of the article conclude the points of mobile communication center building design , such as the site plan position , function cell , space combination , saving energy and security .

  19. 文物建筑搬迁保护选址的可拓方法分析

    Analyze Extension Method on the Place Choice for the Relocation of Protection of Historic Buildings

  20. 中国风水术形成历史十分久远,影响至深,是中国古代有关建筑环境的基地选址与规划设计的理论。

    Age-old Fengshui is a series of theories about the selection of site and the planning of a building .

  21. 公共交通将把整个生态谷的各个区域连接在一起。各个建筑的样式和选址都将以自然地形为基础。

    Public transportation will connect all the parts of the valley together and the architecture and sitting of buildings will be based on the natural topography .

  22. 这些古堡建筑群从村镇选址布局、建造技术、建筑装饰等各方面具有较高的科学、历史、艺术与实用价值,是不可多得的重要历史资源与实物标本。

    These castle buildings from the village site layout , construction technology , architectural decoration , has a high scientific , historical , artistic and practical value , is a rare important historical resources and physical specimen .

  23. 但是,由于缺乏科学的、系统的理论指导,在规划和建设过程中一些项目的决策者目光短浅,盲目扩大建筑规模,随意选址,不合理配置资源,这些问题直接导致了医疗效率低下。

    However , because of the lack of scientific , systematic theoretical guidance , much of the construction project scale blind expansion , site selection arbitrary , unreasonable allocation of resources , these questions lead directly to health care inefficiencies .

  24. 传统风水伴随着我国传统建筑两千余载,在建筑选址、规划、设计、营造中无所不在。

    The traditional Feng shui has accompanied Chinese traditional architecture for more than two thousand years ; it has been practiced nearly all over site selection , planning , design , and construction .

  25. 分析了自然经济时代和工业社会时代风景建筑的文化属性,提出了现代风景建筑选址宜藏不宜露;

    The thesis analyses cultural quality belonging to landscape architecture of nature economy times and industry society times , puts forward the viewpoints of modern landscape architecture ′ s location selection be fitted to hide , not be fitted to expose .

  26. 介绍美国绿色建筑委员会的LEEDTM绿色建筑评估系统(V2.0),计包括建筑的选址,水的有效利用,能源与大气环境,建材与资源,室内环境质量等方面。

    Introduces LEED TM Green Building Rating System ( V2.0 ) which includes the sustainable sites , water efficiency , energy and atmosphere , materials and resources , indoor environmental quality , etc. .