
  1. 她对她那件衣服花了多少钱有点吞吞吐吐。

    She was a little coy about how much her dress cost .

  2. 你能回忆起我们花了多少钱吗?

    Can you remember how much money we spent ?

  3. “我不敢问这个东西花了多少钱。”——“那就别问了。”

    ' I 'm afraid to ask what it cost . ' — ' Then don 't ask . '

  4. 她不记得买那条连衣裙花了多少钱。

    She has no recollection of how much money she paid for that dress .

  5. 拍那份电报花了多少钱?

    How much did the telegram cost ?

  6. 当我把我的新外套花了多少钱告诉丈夫时,他说花那么多钱我一定发疯了。

    When I told my husband how much my new coat cost he said I must have gone off my head to spend so much .

  7. 玛丽和她妈妈去欧洲旅行花了多少钱?

    How much did Mary pay for a trip to Europe with her mother ?

  8. 我算出了这个星期花了多少钱

    I have figured out how much during the week I spent .

  9. 到海边后,他们只捕到一条鱼,其中一个人讲:“今天亏本了,你知道我们花了多少钱才捕到这条鱼吗?”

    After they reached the seaside , they caught only one fish . One of them said , " Business was really bad today . Do you know how much we spent on this one fish alone ? "

  10. 噢,toshelloutmoney就是花钱的意思,你是问我今天花了多少钱买这些衣服?其实每件衣服都打了折扣,所以我没花太多钱。

    LL : Hey , Li Hua , how much money did you shell out to buy clothes today ?

  11. 我跟CIO们谈谈,问问他们花了多少钱在这上。

    I talk to CIOs and ask them how much they 're spending on plumbing .

  12. 如果今天早上你跟AlMason交谈,我希望你能装着很随意的提起我花了多少钱给你买这条项链。

    CARLOS : If you talk to Al Mason at this thing , I want you to casually mention how much I paid for your necklace .

  13. 它的一样容易为ABC知道您花了多少钱,例如对业务的用膳或多少,您所支付的现金,在一些日期范围。

    It 's as easy as ABC to know how much you spent for example on business meal or how much you paid in cash during some date range .

  14. 或是「那条项练你花了多少钱?」

    " or " How much money did that necklace cost ?

  15. 你想不到我花了多少钱才买下它吧?

    You got no idea how much I paid for it ?

  16. 你花了多少钱买的那个漂亮头盔?

    How much did you pay for that handsome skid lid ?

  17. 你能计算出花了多少钱吗?

    Can you work out how much money it will cost ?

  18. 我不愿意去想花了多少钱。

    I hate to think how much money I have spent .

  19. 二、客户买这台打印机花了多少钱?

    Two : What will the customer pay for the printer ?

  20. 我已经花了多少钱了吗?

    How much money I 've got riding on this ?

  21. 你到牙医那边晃一圈花了多少钱?

    How much did your trip to the dentist cost ?

  22. 他问我花了多少钱买这个小提琴。

    He asked how much I paid for the violin .

  23. 昨天你花了多少钱买这台打印机?

    How much did you spend buying this printer yesterday ?

  24. 史帝芬:你租它花了多少钱?

    STEVE : And how much did it cost to rent it ?

  25. 我得算一下今天我总共花了多少钱。

    I must count up how much money I 've spent today .

  26. 你花了多少钱?我带你出去吃饭好吗?

    Do you mind my bringing you for a meal ?

  27. 你直接可以看出你到底花了多少钱在香烟上。

    You want to physically see how much you 've been spending .

  28. 记下你花了多少钱。

    Keep an account of how much you 're spending .

  29. 买所有这些东西你一共花了多少钱?

    How much did you pay for all these things ?

  30. 他说他在国外旅行花了多少钱?

    How much money did he say he spent in traveling abroad ?