
  • 网络human development;NICHD
  1. 人类发展指数(humandevelopmentindex)根据寿命和教育等指标对国家进行排名,在分值最高的10个国家中,只有一个大国:日本。

    The human development index - which ranks countries by measures such as life expectancy and Education - places only one large country in its top 10 : Japan .

  2. 联合国(un)《2003年人类发展报告》(humandevelopmentreport)显示,除美国迈阿密以外,多伦多市生于国外的居民数量,超过世界上其它任何城市。

    According to the 2003 United Nations human development report , Toronto has more residents born outside the country than any other city in the world , except Miami .

  3. 结果,人类发展出一系列至今仍存在的性格类型。

    As a result , humans developed a range of character types that still exists today .

  4. 核能的开发利用给人类发展带来了新的动力,人类必须应对好各种核安全挑战,维护好核材料和核设施安全。

    The use of nuclear energy gave new impetus2 to the progress of humanity , yet mankind must be able to respond to various nuclear security challenges , and ensure the safety of nuclear materials and facilities .

  5. 信息和通信技术促进可持续人类发展

    Information and Communications Technologies in Support of Sustainable Human Development

  6. 居住是人类发展的永恒主题,居住区是城市社会的一个缩影。

    The problem of residence is an eternity theme in human society .

  7. 从人力资源理论到人类发展理论&精神的超越与回归

    From Human Resource Theories to Human Development Theories & Spiritual Sublimation and Revival

  8. 拉丁美洲围产学和人类发展中心

    Latin American Perinatology and Human Development Centre

  9. 人类发展机构和技术处

    Human Development Institutions and Technology Branch

  10. 从人类发展史来看,自然环境和经济发展间具有复杂的相关关系。

    From the history of human , the relationship between ecological environment and economic development was complicated .

  11. 经济与人类发展&对我国小城镇体育的实证研究

    Economy , Sport and the Development of Mankind & Study on the Sports in Small Towns in China

  12. 所以氢能源是一种真正的清洁、可再生能源,对人类发展而言十分重要。

    Therefore , hydrogen is a truly clean and renewable energy which is very important for human beings .

  13. 人类发展是从民族历史到世界历史的客观过程。

    The human development is the objective course from " national history " to " world history " .

  14. 因此,卡理斯玛和理性化将成为人类发展的永恒主题。

    Therefore , the discussion of Charisma and rationalization will become the eternal subject in the history of human .

  15. 悲剧是在漫长的人类发展过程中产生并不断衍化而成的文艺表现形式。

    Tragedy is a cultural concept which has been developing and evolving in the long history of human being .

  16. 进入20世纪90年代,发展观是以人为核心,充分考虑人的全面发展要求的人类发展观。

    1990s witnessed the emergence of human development perspective focusing on mankind and taking into account all-round development demands of human beings .

  17. 从历史和现代的角度论述了制造技术的永恒性,阐述了人类发展和制造技术的密切关系。

    The eternity of manufacturing technology is discussed according to both history and modern , relationship between human development and manufacturing technology also be discussed .

  18. 它不仅对于实现语言的三大元功能具有重要意义,而且是人类发展语言、提高认知的必要手段。

    It plays an important role in the realization of three meta-functions of language as well as in the development of human language and cognition .

  19. 漫长的人类发展史上,人类与动物频繁接触,人与动物之间产生互相依赖的关系。

    Throughout the history of the social evolution , man comes into contact with animals frequently , resulting in an interdependent relationship between man and animals .

  20. 环境演变是全球变化研究的重要组成部分,而与人类发展关系密切的全新世环境演变更是当今全球变化研究的重点热点之一,对其研究对于现代环境的研究具有借鉴意义。

    The Holocene environmental change bounded up with the development of human beings is one of the most emphasis and hotspots of the globe change study .

  21. 随着城市化进程的加速,灾害已经成为当今人类发展所面临的一项重大挑战。

    With the rapid development of cities and the high speed of urbanization , disaster has been an important challenge for the development of human being .

  22. 20世纪50年代,世界范围内,生态环境问题的不断产生,所导致的生态危机,凸显了人类发展过程中面临问题的严重性。

    Since 1950s , the ecological crisis occurred continually by the ecological problems highlights the seriousness of the problem during the human development around the world .

  23. 其次,本文阐述了幼儿教师与家长相互作用的理论基础(如人类发展生态学理论、合作学习理论、社会互动理论);

    Secondly , this thesis expatiates the theoretical basis of preschool teacher-parent interaction ( including human developmental ecology theory , cooperative study theory , social interplay theory );

  24. 志愿服务作为一种自愿并不计物质报酬地参与社会生活、推动人类发展和促进社会文明进步的行为,正日益成为人们社会生活的重要组成部分,成为推动社会全面发展的有效手段。

    Volunteer services are just this kind of behavior : voluntary , regardless of the material rewards to participate in social life , to promote human development and social civilization and progress .

  25. 首先为安全问题的认识提供新的视角,其次突出了非传统安全的新地位,最后顺应了人类发展的新趋势。

    First they provide new angle of view to security problem . Second they give prominence to new position of non-traditional security . Finally they conform to the new trend of the human development .

  26. 从历史上看,在人类发展的漫长的历史中,同一性是长期起主导作用的东西,否则,人类的文明就不复存在;

    Seen from the history , identity has long played the leading role in the long history of human being 's development , otherwise the human being 's civilization will in no way exists .

  27. 人的个性及其问题,是人类发展处于个体本位阶段必然面对的人性主题,这一问题对于中国人具有特殊的意义,这是由中国人寻求自身发展的特殊性决定的。

    " people 's individuality " and question , is the human nature theme that must be faced at stage of " individual standard ", this question have special meaning to Chinese , this is determined by Chinese own particularity of development .

  28. 前者的根本特征表现为破坏了人类发展和和进步的概念,致力于把人变成多余的人的事业,以及消灭了人的法律人格、道德人格以及作为个体的人;

    The fundamental characters of the former include destroying the concept of development and progress of human being , devoting to the enterprise of making people superfluous , eliminating the juridical person in man , the moral person in man and the man as individual .

  29. 撒哈拉沙漠东北全新世湿润时期,是该区古人类发展与进步、繁演与分化的时期;

    The humid period represented by lake facies sedimentation in Holocene in the Northeastern area of Sahara Desert was also the period of developement , progress , evolution and differentiation of ancient human being in this area , as well as the key period in natural evolution history .

  30. 当前资源已成为制约人类发展的三大因素之一,而在陆地资源日趋减少的形势下,世界各国纷纷把目光投向海洋、湖泊、港湾等水下可利用资源。

    Currently natural resources has become one of three factor for restricting human being development , however , in the situation of land resources gradually lessen , the eyes of each country in the world were trained on the underwater available resources in the sea , lakes , and harbors .