
  • 网络Talent flow;talent stream
  1. 强大的人才流、信息流、资金流、贸易流全方位交汇贯通

    Powerful human resources flow flowcapital flow and trade flow have integrated and cohered all around .

  2. 强大的人才流、信息流、资金流、贸易流全方位交汇贯通。

    Powerful human resources flow , information flow , capital flow and trade flow have integrated and cohered all around .

  3. 现在物流要求大型家电连锁企业将信息化与物流结合起来,利用先进的信息技术实行全方位管理,实现现代物流与电子商务紧密结合及货流、资金流、信息流和人才流的统一。

    An overall management can achieve the integration of modern legistics with e-commerce by unifying the how of inventory , cash , information and talents .

  4. 以系统动力学理论为基础,结合产业集聚效应的正反馈特征,对人才流、技术流、资金流和市场流的因果关系进行了探讨。

    Based on theory of system dynamics , the causal loop diagrams of manpower , technology , money and market flows are analyzed together with positive feedback of industrial agglomeration effect .

  5. 大连要立足服务于东北地区,面向环渤海地区和东北亚地区,在区内经济活动中真正起到资金流、商品流、技术流、人才流和信息流的聚散和枢纽中心。

    Service Northeast of China is standpoint of Dalian , and facing Bohai sea Economic Region and Northeast of Asia , make Dalian into the center of fund , goods technology talent information .

  6. 企业人才的流与留研究

    Research on Flowing and Remaining of Enterprise Talents

  7. 从人才链流层与物链流层以及服务性人才与顾客链的对接两个方面阐述了高职高专毕业生的市场在服务行业有较大的空间。

    It also puts forward there is more space in service industry in two aspects : the connection between talent-chain-layer and thing-chain-layer as well as the connection of service talents and the customers .

  8. “城乡的巨大差别使得人才和资源都流到大城市。”廉说。

    " The big gap between the cities and the countryside means that talent and resources all go to the big cities ," he noted .

  9. 然而,目前我国的中小企业技术创新面临着重重困难,如R&D资金不足,创新人才缺乏,信息流及技术流不畅等。

    But now the SMEs are facing many difficulties , such as shortage of R & D money , lack of innovation talents , and inability to abtain the sources of information and technology .