
  1. 在重庆十大产业链中,汽车产业链与其它产业链存在密切的关联。

    Ten industrial chain in Chongqing , the automobile industry chain and other industries are closely linked .

  2. 在欧美经济发达国家,体育产业已经成为不可或缺的支柱性产业之一,其产值已经排在了各国十大产业之列。

    At present , sports industry has already become a mainstay in developed countries , the output of which has been in the top ten .

  3. 物流行业是我国国家十大产业振兴规划之一,被列为我国第三产业新的经济增长点。

    LOGISTICS is nowadays listed one of the ten propelling industries in national economy plan , and one of new prosperities expected in the tertiary industry .

  4. 近年来,国家先后出台了七大战略新兴产业发展规划、十大产业发展规划、成渝经济区规划、十二五规划纲要。

    In recent years , the country has issued seven strategic emerging industry development planning , national main body function region construction planning , and 12th Five-Year program .

  5. 无论是4万亿的经济刺激方案,还是陆续出台的十大产业调整与振兴规划,目的都是引导产业健康发展。

    Whether it is the 4 trillion economic stimulus program , or the ten industrial restructuring plans , the goal is to guide the healthy development of industry .

  6. 我国十大产业振兴规划中将物流业确定为基础性、支持性的重要产业进一步推动了物流服务业的迅猛发展。

    In our country , the " Ten Major Industry Revitalization plan " regards logistics as foundational , supporting important industry , which Further promotes the rapid development of logistics services .

  7. 以投资基础设施建设和产业来促进就业是各国刺激经济复苏计划的共识,我国也适时推出了十大产业振兴规划。

    It is a consensus of the world to invest in infrastructure construction and industry so as to promote employment and to stimulate economic recovery . And China has unveiled stimulus package for 10 sectors .

  8. 最后,对我国《十大产业振兴规划》的定性和基本内容作了简要分析。第二部分的主要内容为分析我国产业振兴规划中存在的一些法律问题。

    Finally , briefly analysis the nature and content of the " Ten Industry Promotion Policies " . The second part : the content is some legal issues in the " Ten Industry Promotion Policies " .

  9. 为了应对2008年国际金融危机的影响,在2009年年初,我国政府颁布了《十大产业振兴规划》,对十大产业进行调整,以实现保增长、扩内需、调结构的目标。

    In response to the 2008 global financial crisis , in early 2009 , China Government promulgated the " Ten Industry Promotion Policies ", to adjust the top ten industries , achieve the targets of expand domestic demand and maintain growth .

  10. 物流建设进入新的发展阶段,表现在国家去年出台的十大产业发展振兴纲要中包括物流业,物联网将使物流走进智能时代。

    Logistics building into a new stage of development , the performance of the top ten in the country last year introduced the outline of industrial development and revitalization , including logistics , the logistics of things will age into intelligence .

  11. 制定并实施十大重点产业调整振兴规划。

    We formulated and implemented a plan for restructuring and invigorating ten key industries .

  12. 在2009年初国家的十大振兴产业出台,现代物流业也位列其中。

    At the beginning in 2009 , modern logistics industry rows in which Country Ten Big Promotion Industry Planning .

  13. 随着社会的发展,家政服务已经被很多专家学者列为21世纪的十大朝阳产业之一。

    With the development of society , household management service has been listed as one of the ten sunrise industries .

  14. 国家将物流业作为十大振兴产业纳入国家规划,显示出了物流业的重要性。

    Our country takes logistics industry as the top 10 revitalization of industries into national planning , showing the importance of the logistics industry .

  15. 宁波市委市政府从全市可持续发展的高度,提出了打造十大优势产业,建设先进制造业基地的总体目标。

    The municipal government of Ningbo has proposed a plan to build ten major industries and to construct an advanced manufacturing base as a result of continuous local development .

  16. 国家十一五规划中将天津定位为国际物流中心和航运中心,物流产业将成为天津发展的十大支柱产业之一。

    According to the 11th National five-year Plan , Tianjin will be developed into an international logistics and shipping center . Logistics will become one of the ten pillar industries .

  17. 物流业被列为十大振兴产业以后,物流园区成为了振兴物流业的九大重点工程之一。

    Since the logistics industry was listed as one of the top ten revitalization industries , logistics park has become one of the nine key projects which can promote this industry .

  18. 随着国家近年来对物流业的不断重视,物流业作为十大振兴产业之一已成为经济社会发展的重要基础和战略支撑。

    With the constant emphasis on logistics industry in recent years , as one of the ten major revitalization of industry , the logistics industry has become an important basis and strategic support of social development .