
  • 网络twelve tone;Twelve-tone technique;Twelve-tone Method;Twelve-tone composition
  1. 浅谈十二音技法及其五声化的应用

    On Twelve-Tone Technique and its Application in Pentatonic

  2. 十二音技法作为二十世纪的音乐语言,首先产生于德国并在世界范围内开花结果。

    Being the musical language of the twentieth century , twelve-tone technique originated in Germany and soon bloomed all world the world .

  3. 其中以前四个方面的内容为主进行细致的分析,第一方面则以十二音技法为主要线索进行。

    The detailed analysis is about front four aspects of the content . The first one is twelve-tone techniques .

  4. 他一生创作了大量各种风格流派的作品,其中十二音技法是他持续时间最长,创作作品最多的技法之一。

    His life a great deal of creative works of a variety of style trends , one of twelve-tone technique was his longest , most creative works one technique .

  5. 目的在于对当今复调音乐在十二音技法的创作与教学中,将传统对位法与现代音乐风格加以继承和创新提供一些有意义的参考和借鉴。

    The purpose of twelve-tone techniques of polyphony in the creation and teaching . Especially the traditional counterpoint and modern music styles to inheritance and innovation of some meaningful reference .