
rén lì fēi jī
  • man-powered aircraft
  1. 到1961年,它成为第一架能飞半英里的人力飞机。

    In 1961 , it was the first man-powered aircraft to fly half a mile .

  2. 麦克雷迪最著名的成就是建造了两架人力飞机“蝉翼神鹰”(GossamerCondor)和“蝉翼信天翁”(GossamerAlbatross)。在20世纪70年代末,这两架飞机打破了各项纪录。

    MacCready was one of the great aeronautical engineers , and his most famous achievement was to build the Gossamer Condor and the Gossamer Albatross , human-powered planes that tore up the record books in the late 1970s .

  3. 这辆自行车被称为南安普顿大学的人力飞机(塞桑普顿大学号)。

    It was called the Southampton University Man Powered Aircraft ( sumpac ) .

  4. 翱翔着的飞鸟和滑翔用的伞翼,是这架空前成功的人力飞机设计之关键。

    Soaring birds and gliding wings were keys to the design of the first successful human-powered aircraft .

  5. 1961年,英国设计师建造了两架人力飞机,它们虽然能够离地,却未能安全拐弯,也飞不远。

    In1961 , two human-powered aircraft built by British designers got off the ground , but could not turn safely or fly far .

  6. 他认为,每一次试飞都能揭示新信息,但人力飞机重量太轻,每一次试飞都使飞机受损。

    Each test flight revealed fresh information , MacCready figured , but human-powered planes are so feather-light that each test flight also damages the plane .

  7. 一名加拿大学者称因受达芬奇的草图启发,他造出了第一架可持续飞行的人力扑翼飞机。

    A Canadian student inspired by Leonardo da Vinci 's sketches says he has made the first sustained flight in a human-powered , wing-flapping aircraft .

  8. 炙热的舞台灯光下,魔术师王显波拿出6个金属圆环,将它们一个个相互碰撞,然后连成了不同形状:花朵,人力车,飞机等等。

    Sweating under stage lights , magician Wang Xianbo takes six metal rings , bumps them together one by one and then links the rings into shapes : a flower , a rickshaw , an airplane .