
  • 网络Human Skill;interpersonal skill
  1. 结果表明,外资比例对技术技能和人际技能的运用有积极作用,LMX和管理层次会影响技能运用的机会。

    The results showed that the proportion of foreign capital had a positive effect on the utilization of technical skills and human skills , and LMX and management level also had a significant effect on the opportunity of skill utilization .

  2. 其原因不是教师认识层面的问题,而是一些深层次的实质性问题,如教师的人际技能问题、教育方式问题、个性问题、师德问题等。

    The main reason is not concerned with how much knowledge the teachers have , but the further substantive problems , such as the interpersonal skills , the ways of teaching of , the personalities and teachers ethics .

  3. 教学管理人员不仅必须具备一定的理论和知识水平,更要掌握一定的管理技能,主要包括技术技能、人际技能和概念技能,还应具备处理突发事件的技能。

    They must have not only theory and knowledge , but also administrative technique ability such as skill of technology , of human relations , of concept and of dealing with crisis .

  4. 社会技能分为:人际关系技能和组织管理技能。

    Social skills include interpersonal skills and organizational management skills .

  5. 现在这个职位需要绝佳的协商及人际关系技能。

    Now this position requires excellent negotiation and interpersonal skill .

  6. 人际关系技能包括人际沟通、换位思考和团队合作。

    Interpersonal skills consist of interpersonal communication , transposition thinking and teamwork .

  7. 而且我具有团队精神和出色的人际关系技能。

    Besides , I am a team player and have great interpersonal skills .

  8. 强的人际的技能、外交和清晰。

    Strong inter-personal skills , diplomacy and clarity .

  9. 从证据上来看,它们还会带来优异的“人际交往技能”和毋庸置疑的就业能力。

    On the evidence , they also deliver exceptional " people skills " and uncompromised employability .

  10. 这意味着,一天当中要交叉各种教学方法讲课、小组活动以及人际关系技能培训。

    This means varying the teaching methods throughout the day lectures , groupwork and interpersonal skills coaching .

  11. 办公室人际关系技能

    Office Interpersonal Relation Skills

  12. 小班授课突显了人际交往技能的重要性就像小班课程的指导者和学员多次强调的那样。

    Small classes highlight the importance of people skills as directors and participants on small programmes repeatedly emphasise .

  13. 创立公司需要人际交流技能,而且,大多数企业家是喜欢和别人相处的外向人士。

    It takes people skills to build a company , and most entrepreneurs are extroverts who enjoy the company of others .

  14. 但最好的办法还是挑选已掌握一些人际交往技能的有才干的行业专家,并对他们进行管理方面的强化培训。

    The best method , however , is to select talented specialists who show some people skills and give them intensive management training .

  15. 根据体育的开放性、集体性、竞争性等特点,论述了学校体育对培养学生人际交往技能、竞争意识、社会适应能力、自我效能感、行为规范、创造力等社会生存技能的积极的作用。

    This paper discussed that the PE plays an important role in the relationship , competing consciousness , adapting ability , self - efficiency .

  16. 你有高中毕业证书,并有的人际交往技能,那么你此证只需花六个月的。

    If you have a high school diploma and good people skills , earning this health care certification can take as little as six months .

  17. 做这份工作需要外表亮丽、打扮得体、有良好的人际交往技能并善于推销。

    To do this work you should have a smart appearance and be well groomed , have excellent interpersonal skills and be good at selling .

  18. 我的教育背景和工作经验使我能够胜任这项工作。而且我具有团队精神和出色的人际关系技能。

    My educational background and professional experience make me qualified for the job . Besides , I am a team player and have great interpersonal skills .

  19. 许多机构都愁苦于这样的问题,即他们的领导者虽是卓然的行业专家,但却缺乏人际交往技能,对更广阔的商界也无好奇心可言。

    Many organizations suffer from the problem of having as their leader a brilliant specialist who has neither people skills nor curiosity about the wider world of business .

  20. 一共有六种人际关系技能、五个任务技能和两种转换技能&但搞清楚六种人际关系连接技能最重要。

    In all there are six people skills , five task skills and two transformational skills – but the most important ones to get right are the six people linking skills .

  21. 由于它们需要非常不同的才能,一个人很难同时具备技术技能和人际交往技能,但是每一种技能都可以通过意识、专注和实践来发展。

    It 's hard to have both technical skills and people skills since they require very different talents , but each can be developed with awareness , focus , and practice .

  22. 真正开展合作学习教学模式必须具备五大要素:积极的相互依靠,面对面的促进性的相互作用,人际交往技能,强的个人责任心,反思能力。

    Five main factors are necessary to conduct cooperative learning , they are : positive interdependence , face-to-face promoting interactions , interpersonal social ability , awareness of personal duty and ability to reflection .

  23. 第四章主要从学生的学业成绩、学习兴趣、人际交往技能及其课堂管理与班风等方面入手,对在我校实施合作学习的成效进行了检测和评估;

    Chapter four is a test and assessment of the effect by Cooperative Learning in terms of students ' academic performance , study interest , interpersonal communicative skills , classroom management and class orientation .

  24. 该量表包括56个项目,6个分量表。各分量表名称分别为人际关系技能、组织管理技能、自我管理技能、职业情操、认知技能和测谎量表。

    The scale are composed by six subscales , including interpersonal skills , organizational management skills , self-management skills , professional sentiment , cognitive skills and lie scale with a total of fifty-six items .

  25. 你碰到各种人,不但有助你培养人际交往技能,也让你更了解他人,无论是敌是友。

    Your exposure to many different types of people will not only help you to develop your people skills , but it will also give you a firmer knowledge of others , both friend and foe .

  26. 一个市集项目的主持人或领导者必须有良好的人际、流技能。

    A bazaar project coordinator or leader must have good people and communications skills .

  27. 孩子们在玩过家家的时候,可以增进家庭和朋友间的关系,还能人际交往的技能。

    As children play pretend , they explore relationships between family members , friends and learn more about how people interact .

  28. 摘要大学生心理上的不成熟、不健全,大学生之间存在的利益竞争,大学生匮乏的人际交往知识技能以及大学生群体在价值观念和生活习惯等方面存在的差异,是导致大学生宿舍人际冲突的主要原因。

    Immature and unsound state of mind , conflicts of interests , lack of skills and knowledge for interpersonal association , and differences between habits and values of college students as a whole are among the main reasons leading to interpersonal conflicts in college student dormitories .

  29. 不同社交地位幼儿的人际认知问题解决技能特点比较

    Comparison of Interpersonal Cognitive Problem-solving Skills of Preschoolers with Different Sociometric Status

  30. 良好的人际关系和演示技能,能影响和谈判市场地位并赢得新业务。

    Well developed interpersonal and presentation skills to influence and negotiate market position and win new business .