
  1. 目的:解决蛇胆川贝液澄明度问题。

    Objective : To solve the clear level problem of Shedan Chuangbei oral liquid .

  2. 牛黄蛇胆川贝液的鉴别及总胆酸含量测定研究

    Study on identification and content determination of total cholic acid for Niuhuang Shedan Chuanbei Ye

  3. 蛇胆川贝液的主要成份是蛇胆汁、川贝母等清化痰火之品,主治痰火壅肺的咳嗽。

    Shedan Chuanbei liquid snake bile is the main component , such as Thanh Hoa Fritillaria Tanhuo of the goods , attending pyrophlegm obstruct lung cough .