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  1. 据我所知,伦敦茶叶拍卖行是世界茶贸易中心,是不是?

    As far as I know , the London Tea Auction is the center of the world 's tea trade , isn 't it ?

  2. 《红楼梦》中的茶文化内容非常丰富,行文涉及的茶俗、茶道等茶文化博大精深,茶事描写生动活泼、多姿多彩。

    The description of tea culture in Hong Lou Meng is very rich and varied , including profound tea customs , tea ceremony , lively tea matter .

  3. 为使茶花粉孢子内营养物质能够得到充分释放,采用行星球磨机对茶花粉进行了超微化破壁试验研究。

    In this study , a Pulverisette planetary ball mill was used for the ultrafine grinding of camellia pollen in attempt to achieve the full release of intracellular nutrients .