
  • 网络administrative violation
  1. 论行政违法的实务判断标准

    On the Judgement Standard of Administrative Violation of the Law

  2. 海上海事行政违法行为和行政处罚

    Illegal Acts Against Marine and Maritime Administration and the Administrative Punishments

  3. 环境行政违法行为中违法主体的认定

    The Recognition of Illegal Subject in Environmental Administrative Illegal Activity

  4. 关于完善不作为行政违法司法救济的思考

    Reflections on the Perfection of Judicial Remedy of the Omission of Administration

  5. 胁迫、诱骗他人实施海事行政违法行为;

    Coercing or inveigling others to commit an illegal act against maritime administration ;

  6. 设置链接不光引发侵权问题,还会引发行政违法问题。

    Setting interlink will cause not only infringement but also administrative illegal problems .

  7. 任何公路行政违法或行政不当行为均产生法律与道德评价。

    Any illegal or improper action to governing highway will cause legal and moral evaluation .

  8. 行政违法行为与犯罪有着本质的区别,同时两者又有着紧密的联系。

    Administrative illegal behavior and crime have an essential distinction and both have close ties .

  9. 最后探讨行政违法和刑事犯罪的界定问题。

    Finally , it is the definition between the administrative law and the criminal offenses .

  10. 其行政违法法律规范也更加详细、具体。

    And , the other legal norms in the Code are more detailed and specific .

  11. 正是政府的行政违法导致了义务教育法运行的不畅。

    It is the illegal administration leading to the ill operation of the compulsory education law .

  12. 关于行政违法的预防和矫治措施,是本文论述的重点之一。

    How to prevent and rectify violation of administrative law is the emphasis of this thesis .

  13. 行政违法与犯罪的界限&兼谈行政权与司法权的纠葛

    The Boundary Between Administrative Offence and Crime & On the Distribution of Administrative Power and Judicial Power

  14. 一年内因同一海事行政违法行为受过海事行政处罚;

    Having been given maritime administrative punishment for the same illegal act against maritime administration within one year ;

  15. 交通肇事罪以行政违法为前提,同时要求该行政违法行为造成了严重后果。

    Traffic offences with the premise of administrative law , and require the administrative illegal behavior caused serious consequences .

  16. 行政违法与行政犯罪的界限问题,在中外法律理论界与实务界长期聚讼不休。

    There exist long debates on the issue of demarcation line between administrative violations of law and administrative crime .

  17. 由此,行政违法的主体类型可分为两类:一类是行政违法的外部主体;

    Consequently , the subject of administrative transgression falls into two types : the external subject and the internal subject .

  18. 行政违法同一般违法一样须具有主客体的构成要件。

    Administrative transgression of the law is the same as other unlawful practice in the construction of subject and object .

  19. 环境行政违法行为效力状态有无效、可撤销、可补救三种类型。

    The environment administration illegal activity has three kinds of the validity situation , which is invalid , discharged and remedied .

  20. 对有共同海事行政违法行为的当事人,应当分别处以海事行政处罚。行政管理处(行管处)

    The parties that have committed a joint illegal act against maritime administration shall be imposed on maritime administrative punishments respectively .

  21. 本文在对即有的行政违法概念进行比较分析的基础上,对行政违法的内涵重新进行了界定,同时对行政违法的构成及其社会危害进行了深入剖析。

    The article redefines the administrative illegality by analysing its current definition and probes into its cause od formation and social damages .

  22. 飚车型危险驾驶罪是必要的共同犯罪,由此方能与严重超速的行政违法行为相区别。

    Dangerous joyriding is a necessary common crime , and this makes it different from severe speeding which is an administrative malfeasance .

  23. 本研究把义务教育法运行中存在的诸多问题归纳为一个核心问题&行政违法。

    We can generalized the problems existed in the operation of the compulsory education law into one core problem & illegal administration .

  24. 故环境行政违法行为的效力理论是环境行政法理论的核心之一。

    Therefore , the theory about the environmental administrative illegal activity validity is one of the cores of the environmentally administrative law theory .

  25. 它是行政违法的特殊形式,由主体、客观事实和主观过错等要件构成。

    It is a special form of unlawful administration , created by executers , objective facts , subjective mistakes , and the like .

  26. 以期有利于对行政违法与行政犯罪的认识、预防和惩戒。

    Finally compares the essential condi - tion between administrative crime and lawbreaking , Which is conducive to the prevention and punishment of it .

  27. 实际上,过失危险犯是故意的行政违法行为,我国刑法没有过失危险犯的立法例。

    Actually , involuntary dangerous crime is the behavior of administrative illegality , and there are not involuntary dangerous crimes in our criminal law .

  28. 既然行政违法制约了教育法的运行,必须对行政违法进行控制,控制行政违法最有效的手段就是构建行政控权的法律制度。

    The most effective method for the control of the illegal administration is to construct the legal system of the constructing administration power control .

  29. 据此观念审视,刑事犯罪与行政违法行为除在社会危害性大小上差异显著外,对二者之惩罚方式也存在根本不同。

    Accordingly , criminal and administrative violations in addition to have difference in the social dangers , the forms of punishment are also fundamentally different .

  30. 基于环境犯罪的危害行为价值判断上的双重性指出,行政违法性是构成环境犯罪的必要条件。

    Based on the dual nature in value judgments of the environmental offenses , the violation of administrative law is one of the necessary conditions .