
jiè yú
  • betweenness;intervene
介于 [jiè yú]
  • [intervene] 发生或处于两事之间

  • 介于一条河两岸的巴黎

介于[jiè yú]
  1. 我的工作介于秘书和私人助理之间。

    My job is somewhere between a secretary and a personal assistant .

  2. 这个芭蕾舞团采取的是介于古典芭蕾舞和现代舞之间的风格。

    The ballet company now occupies the middle ground between classical ballet and modern dance .

  3. 费用大概介于150至250英镑之间。

    The approximate cost varies from around £ 150 to £ 250

  4. 他形容那种气味介于马戏团和海港的味道之间。

    He described the smell as something between a circus and a seaport

  5. 麦金农估计大桥的侧向移动介于4至6英寸之间。

    McKinnon estimated the lateral movement of the bridge to be between four and six inches .

  6. 阿姆斯特丹非常有趣——它有1/3的人口年龄介于18到30岁之间。

    Amsterdam is fun — a third of its population is aged between 18 and 30 .

  7. 这座山介于两县之间。

    The mountain lies between two counties .

  8. 中间状态介于好与坏之间。

    There has to be a medium between good and bad .

  9. 大多数人既不善也不恶,而是介于两者之间。

    The generality of people are neither good nor bad , but somewhere in between .

  10. 海洋的颜色介于绿色到蓝色之间,这取决于浮游植物的种类和浓度。

    Ocean colour varies from green to blue , depending on the type and concentration of phytoplankton .

  11. 这种介于我们感觉自己能拥有的东西和我们看起来有能力拥有的东西之间的紧张关系就是恼人的痛苦,也是我们所感受到的焦虑。

    This tension between what we feel we can have and what we 're seemingly able to have is the niggling suffering , the anxiety we feel .

  12. “高兴未满”指的不是很高兴的一种欠佳的情绪状态,是介于高兴和不高兴之间的情绪状态。

    Underhappy refers to a mood that is not as happy as one ought or would like to be .

  13. 对许多公司来说,答案可能介于二者之间,即员工们把时间分在办公室和家中。

    For many companies , the answer probably lies somewhere in the middle – with workers splitting their time between office and home .

  14. 工作有趣程度介于这两者之间的受访者中,每年每1万人中有6.8例痴呆症患者,占该群体的1.12%。

    Among people with jobs that were in the middle of these two categories , there were 6.8 cases per 10000 person years ( 1.12 percent ) .

  15. 多年来心理学家一直把人的性格分成两种:内向型和外向型。不过有专家提出,在性格光谱中存在一种介于外向和内向之间的性格,人们称之为“中间性格”。

    For years , psychologists have divided people into two basic personality types : introverts , and people refer to as " ambiverts " fall somewhere in between .

  16. 介于新闻和娱乐之间的中间立场(b罗德里戈安斯考姆比)

    The middle ground between news and amusement ( bRoderick Anscombe )

  17. 西江水体中有机质受C3、C4植物共同影响,其δ~(13)C值介于北江、东江之间。

    Influenced by C3 and C4 plant in the Xijiang River , its POC 6 13C value is between Dongjiang and Beijiang Rivers ' .

  18. 几种太阳电池封装用液体粘接剂的耐老化性能由好至差的顺序是:硅胶、改性环氧、环氧树脂,而EVA胶膜则介于改性环氧和环氧树脂之间。

    The sequence of EVA films is between modified epoxy resin and epoxy resin .

  19. 不典型腺瘤组DNA含量介于上述二者之间,DNA直方图逐渐右移。

    The DNA content of the atypical adenoma was between that of thyroid adenoma and thyroid carcinoma and the DNA histogram gradually shifted to right .

  20. 并得出结论:对于基于真实词的汉语N元语言模型,N的取值范围应介于3至6之间,且N=4为较优。

    Finally , a conclusion was obtained that 4 is a better selection of parameter N value for n gram model based on words in Chinese language .

  21. 富流体阶段早期的白色云母主要为多硅白云母,其Si原子数介于6.5pfu和7.2pfu之间;

    White mica formed at earlier fluid_rich stage is dominantly phengite , with atom number of Si varying between 6.5 and 7.2 pfu .

  22. 经过重连操作得到的随机网络具有短的平均路径长度,具有大小介于完全随机网络和经典SW小世界网络的平均聚类系数,是一类特殊的小世界网络。

    This special network model has short average path length but small average cluster coefficient .

  23. 研究表明,早二叠世-中二叠世的地温梯度介于5.2℃/100m~4.11℃/100m;

    The geothermal gradients in Early Permian-Middle Permian was between 4.11 to 5.2 ℃ / 100m ;

  24. Vc含量介于5.99~27.13mg/100g·FW之间;

    The content of Vitamin C ranged from 5.99 to 27.13 mg / 100g · FW ;

  25. 介于FRP筋具有耐腐蚀、强度高、质量轻、抗疲劳等优点,故采用FRP筋来代替钢筋应用在混凝土结构中减小腐蚀的影响。

    FRP rebars have high strength , corrosion resisting , light quality and antifatique performance . Adopting FRP rebars can reduce corrosion influence .

  26. 在离子束溅射制备的CNx/TiNy多层膜中,[N]/[C]比介于1.6~4.5之间。

    The ratios of [ N ] / [ C ] varies from 1.6 to 4.5 in the CNx / TiNy multilayers prepared by ion beam sputtering .

  27. 结果表明,F1在多数性状上其均值介于高亲值与低亲值之间。

    The results showed that the mean values of F1 ranged between high value parent and low value parent in most traits .

  28. 材料间的相似系数介于0.43-0.96。用SSR技术对其中48份进一步进行了研究。

    The genetic similarities of soybean germplasm were between 0.43 0.96 . SSR was used to study more on forty-eight ones from the Ninety-four soybean germplasm .

  29. 适应作为介于排斥和耐受之间的一种状态得到大家广泛的关注,并将其作为克服急性血管性排斥反应(acutevascularrejection,AVR)的一个途径。

    Accommodation being a state between rejection and tolerance had obtained widespread attention , and been considered to take as a pathway to overcome acute vascular rejection ( AVR ) in xenotransplantation .

  30. 结果表明:形成合金后费米面能量位置漂移,介于Ni和La的费米面之间,费米面上主要是Ni3d电子;

    The results show that the Fermi level shifts toward the position between those of La and Ni . Ni 3d electrons mainly contribute to the states of density at Fermi level .