
xíng li
  • luggage;baggage;accoutrement
行李 [xíng lǐ]
  • [baggage;luggage] 行旅。亦指行旅的人;出行所带的东西

  • 从楼顶拿下衣箱、旅行袋,准备收拾行李

行李[xíng li]
  1. 你看着行李,我去找出租车。

    You stay there with the luggage while I find a cab .

  2. 大家都帮着从汽车上卸行李。

    Everyone helped to unload the luggage from the car .

  3. 打点行李不要拖到最后一刻。

    Don 't leave your packing until the last possible moment .

  4. 必须再把行李与各位旅客的姓名核对一遍。

    Baggage should be cross-checked against the names of individual passengers .

  5. 这份保险单为全部行李和个人财产提供保险。

    The insurance policy covers all baggage and personal effects .

  6. 人们慢慢地收起他们的行李离开了大厅。

    People slowly gathered their belongings and left the hall .

  7. 我们得把行李提着上六段楼梯。

    We had to cart our luggage up six flights of stairs .

  8. 我一到达就打开行李,整理衣物。

    I unpacked my bags as soon as I arrived .

  9. 还有地方再放一件行李。

    There 's room for one more piece of luggage .

  10. 除非票上另有注明,否则可携带行李为20公斤。

    You are allowed 20kgs of baggage unless indicated otherwise on your ticket .

  11. 我们的行李一直被托运到最终目的地。

    Our luggage was checked all the way through to our final destination .

  12. 他把手提箱从行李架上搬下来。

    He lifted the suitcase down from the rack .

  13. 你的房间收拾好之前,请先把行李放在大厅。

    Just park your bags in the hall until your room is ready .

  14. 我们托运行李后直接进入候机室。

    We checked in our luggage and went through to the departure lounge .

  15. 我去把行李放进行李箱里。

    I 'll put the luggage in the boot .

  16. 所有出口必须保持通畅,不得堆放行李。

    All exits must be kept clear of baggage .

  17. 海关官员搜遍了我们的行李。

    The customs officers searched through our bags .

  18. 我们把行李装上了汽车。

    We loaded our baggage into the car .

  19. 她回到自己的卧室打开行李取出衣物。

    She went to her room to unpack .

  20. 你的行李多吗?

    Do you have a lot of luggage ?

  21. 她给了行李工一元的小费。

    She tipped the porter a dollar .

  22. 她打行李时带了一套换洗的内衣。

    She packed one change of underwear .

  23. 我还没收拾行李呢。

    I haven 't packed yet .

  24. 你收拾好行李了吗?

    Have you finished your packing ?

  25. 别丢下行李不管。

    Never leave baggage unattended .

  26. 我常常旅行,这就把打点行李学到家了。

    I spend so much time travelling that I 've got packing down to a fine art .

  27. 旅客通过入境检查后领取了自己的行李。

    The passengers went through immigration control and collected their baggage .

  28. 她打开行李取出衣物后就会去游泳。

    She would go for a swim when she 'd unpacked .

  29. 我提着行李艰难地走着,迫切地寻找着搬运工。

    I struggled with my bags , desperately looking for a porter .

  30. 我的铁皮箱放在了卫兵的行李车厢中。

    In the guard 's van lay my tin trunk .