
fēng yùn
  • charm;graceful bearing
风韵 [fēng yùn]
  • (1) [charm] 风度;韵致

  • 风韵秀彻。——《晋书·桓石秀传》

  • (2) ——多指女子

  • 天然一段风韵,全在眉梢;平生万种情思,悉堆眼角。——《红楼梦》

风韵[fēng yùn]
  1. 大唐的风韵&唐朝仕女画所表现的唐朝社会

    Graceful Bearing of the Flourishing Tang Dynasty & Society of the Tang Dynasty Shown by Painting of Maids of Honour at That Time

  2. 翻译时设法把握住原文中难以捉摸的风韵。

    Try to catch the elusive charm of the original in translation .

  3. 她已年过四十,但风韵犹在。

    She still looks attractive in her40s .

  4. 画龙点睛般地突出了哈萨克族女子舞蹈特有的风韵。

    It presents the unique charm of the dance among Kazakh women .

  5. 她依然有一点昔日的风韵。

    She still has a hint of her former beauty .

  6. 伴合作原则之旋律,舞唐诗英译之风韵

    The Cooperative Principle for the C-E Translation of Tang Poetry

  7. 她那娇弱的风韵还尚未失尽。

    Her gentle , fragile beauty had not entirely vanished .

  8. 她皮肤病黄,五官细小,毫无风韵可言。

    Her complexion was sallow ; and her features small , without beauty .

  9. 古建筑的风韵与灵魂灵魂与心灵辨析

    The Spirit and Flavour of Classic Architecture To Distinguish between Soul and Mind

  10. 也只有我的诗有你的全部风韵;

    My verse alone had all thy gentle grace .

  11. 因为《风韵》的未来掌握在我手中。

    Because the future of poise depends on me .

  12. 消费者希望回归到过去的温馨、风韵、诚意以及方向。

    Consumers want a return to warmth , patina , authenticity and direction .

  13. 风韵是理想中的形象,容止是理想中的动静。

    Style is the form of the ideal , rhythm is its movement .

  14. 而是美丽和风韵的肥料。

    But beautiful and Charm of the fertilizer .

  15. 那件衣服你穿起来很有丽人风韵。

    That dress makes you look very feminine .

  16. 即使到了57岁了,佐伊仍然是一个身材颀长、体态柔美、风韵妩媚的女人。

    Even at 57 , Zoe was an attractive woman , tall and supple .

  17. 她的外表也随之发生了变化:她成了一个风韵不凡的姑娘。

    She became a girl of considerable taste .

  18. 她的身材更加富有女性风韵了。

    Her figure had become more womanly .

  19. 焕发竹海英姿尽显竹乡风韵&长宁县林业发展的思考与展望

    On the Development of Changning County Forestry

  20. 西湖以变幻多姿的风韵,令人心旷神怡。

    West lake 's beauty is ever changing but never fails to entice and entrance .

  21. 在艺术上,李贯通的小说富有中国古典美的风韵。

    In art , LI Guantong 's novel has the Chinese classical esthetics the graceful bearing .

  22. 与此同时,上海以她独特的风韵吸引着数百万计的海内外游客。

    Meanwhile , Shanghai has attracted millions of Chinese and overseas tourists with its unique charm .

  23. 她突出之点就是很有风韵。

    Charm is her middle name .

  24. 这些侍女各自都有比较鲜明的个性,并显示出不同的气质风韵。

    The female servant sculptures in the Jin Temple represent women of different temperament and personality .

  25. 全郡对他的敬仰使他相信他在社交活动中别有风韵。

    The admiration of his county made him believe he had a flavour in general society .

  26. 拉丁语词汇的使用给这篇小说增添了严肃文雅的风韵。

    The use of latinate words adds a tone of severity and dignity to this novel .

  27. 欢迎光临风韵之境,给您的假日增添无穷乐趣。

    Welcome to this scenic place , where you will find an endless enjoyment for your holiday .

  28. 诗章的语言、构思和意象都蕴含着华夏的风韵。

    The Chinese char is contained in the language , the structure and the images of his poems .

  29. 伯莎笑了,露出细密的牙齿,她的知识告诉她:她显出了最佳风韵。

    Bertha laughed , showing her exquisite teeth that her own knowledge told her she looked her best .

  30. 她那明艳的秀色固然已经一去不返,可是那描写不尽的端庄,说不尽的风韵,仍旧不减当年。

    The freshness of her beauty was indeed gone , its indescribable majesty and its indescribable charm remained .