
  1. 中外建筑室内设计的风格与流派

    An Elementary Analysis of the Styles & Schools of Chinese and Foreign Interior Design of Building

  2. 徽州文化在许多方面都有深刻的创造与发展,形成独立的风格与流派,并具有地域性的文化因子。

    Anhui culture made profound development in various aspects ; form specific style and have the factors distinctive .

  3. 浅析了中外建筑室内设计的风格与流派,使设计在建筑室内设计中力求在其内部空间尽量合理、舒适、安全,使环境与人之间的关系更加协调、实用。

    This essay makes an elementary analysis of the styles & schools of Chinese and foreign interior designing of building , does the interior design of buildings as rational , comfortable and secure as possible , and establishes a more concerted relationship between the man and the surroundings .