
  • 网络PIPE;wind instrument;tongue
  1. 电子音乐中中国传统吹管乐器音色制作与创新

    On the Making and Innovation of Chinese Traditional Pipe Instruments in Electronic Music

  2. 唢呐是我国民族乐器中的一件吹管乐器。

    Suona is a wind instrument in our national instrument .

  3. 铜管、木管、民族吹管乐器均属气鸣乐器;

    Brass , wood brass and national blowpipe are all blowing instrument ;

  4. “兀儿”是佤族在丧葬仪式中使用的一种吹管乐器。

    The main threads of it is the process of obsequies ceremony .

  5. 我听到远处有人吹管乐器。

    We heard a piper in the distance .

  6. 不需要动手指,就可以演奏多数的乐器,尤其是吹管乐器与手风琴。

    Most musical instruments ( especially wind instruments and accordions ) can be played without moving your fingers .

  7. 簧管乐器在云南民族吹管乐器中最为流行,品种既多又独特,它们大部份以铜片为簧。

    It is the most popular type of folk wind instrument in Yunnan province , most of which use copper sheets as their reeds .

  8. 唢呐,具有悠久的历史,流行地域较广泛,各种技巧颇丰富,表现力极强,是一种个性比较强的民族吹管乐器。

    Suona is a kind of national wind instrument with individual character which has a long history and popular in more extensive areas , which has various of rich skills and highly expressive .