
chuī chuī fēnɡ
  • let sb. in on sth. in advance
  1. 下次会议要讨论什么,你给我们吹吹风吧。

    Will you give us some idea of what will be taken up at the next meeting ?

  2. 出外吹吹风。

    Go for a blow .

  3. 夏日,和我一起去吹吹风

    Have Some Fresh Air with Me in Summer

  4. 《科学》杂志上刊登的一项研究表明,蛭形轮虫的解决办法是&吹吹风。

    A study in the journal Science suggests that for bdelloid rotifers , the answer is blowing in the wind .

  5. 刻法洛斯打猎打累了的时候,总要到某个阴凉处躺下吹吹风。

    Cephalus , when weary of the chase , was wont to stretch himself in certain shady nook to enjoy the breeze .

  6. 早上无论是走马观花地逛逛街,还是在哈德逊河边吹吹风,在西区散完步后,来这里落脚休息一下是再好不过了。

    It 's a perfect stop after a morning spent walking along the west side , either window shopping or just taking in the breeze from the Hudson River .