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fēng yǎ
  • elegant;refined;grace;of poems;literary pursuit
风雅 [fēng yǎ]
  • (1) [elegant;refined]∶文雅。端庄的或高雅的,尤指外貌或举止端庄的或高雅的

  • 举止风雅

  • (2) [of poems;literary pursuit]∶《诗经》有《国风》、《大雅》、《小雅》等部分,后世用风雅泛指诗文方面的事

风雅[fēng yǎ]
  1. 讲法语和弹钢琴是社交界的两大风雅。

    Speaking French and playing the piano are social graces .

  2. 江南锦绣金陵风雅情呀

    It is the beauty of the South , the elegance of Nanking .

  3. 她过着风雅悠闲的生活。

    She has a life of elegant ease .

  4. Moslin是全世界有名的精致而风雅的布料。

    Moslin , a fine and artistic type of cloth was well-known worldwide .

  5. 就职于伦敦一家商业银行、26岁的特雷弗•卡斯(TrevorKass)说道:商务旅行中,唯一可以接受的风雅就是穿着西装戴太阳镜。

    About the only flair acceptable on a business trip is wearing sunglasses with your suit , says 26-year-old Trevor Kass , who works for a merchant bank in London .

  6. 古老世界的风雅与服务,当代世界的舒适与方便。

    Old-world amBiance and service comBined with new-world comfort and convenience .

  7. 这要是事实就太失风雅了。

    If that 's true , it 's a tactless story .

  8. 这个声明是英国式风雅的典型例证。

    This statement was a classic illustration of British politeness .

  9. 女主人招待客人进餐时风雅而又得体。

    The hostess presided at table with tact and urbanity .

  10. 没有别的欧洲语言具有如此风雅的血统。

    No other European language has such an artistic pedigree .

  11. 他身材很高,样子很体面,而且谈话也极风雅。

    He was tall , well-shaped , and had an extraordinary address .

  12. 如果说Chachawan是忙乱的,这家店则是风雅而又精致。

    This restaurant is as polished and refined as Chachawan is hectic .

  13. 现代化的设施再加上经久不衰的风雅创造出举世无双的住所。

    Modern facilities together with longstanding styling have created matchless dwelling places .

  14. 奥维德的风雅机智的灵魂活在语言甜美流畅的莎士比亚身上。

    The sweet witty soul of Ovid lives in mellifluous and honey-tongued Shakespeare .

  15. 阿美:当然,我很喜欢这个地方,尤其是它的布置,很风雅。

    May : Sure . I love this place , especially the decoration .

  16. 在显宦贵族们当中,这类风雅好客的事不足为奇。

    About the Court , such instances of elegant breeding are not uncommon .

  17. 他们主张文学奇古,诗学风雅。

    They advocated odd ancient literature and elegant poetry .

  18. 风雅车内的监视器还可通过测试司机眼睛鉴定司机清醒程度。

    The Fuga , however , also uses a camera that monitors drivers'eyes for attentiveness .

  19. 她看起来很风雅,不管说英语还是法语,听起来都世故而聪明。

    She looked artistic , and sounded worldly and intelligent in either English or French .

  20. 他注重文艺作品的结构、辞采、气骨、风雅、滋味,并且认为这些要素缺一不可。

    He paid attention to the structure , words and content of a literature work .

  21. 用他一贯的风雅的言词,他正确地抓住了问题的核心。

    With his usual elegance , he goes right to the core of the issue .

  22. 现代风雅之士再次将鸡尾酒视为柔和的烈酒。

    Cocktails are once again recognized by modern sophisticates as being the tipple of the suave .

  23. 在那里我们可以看到艺术的巨作,高度文明社会的风雅。

    There were to be seen the masterpieces of art , the refinement of highly-cultivated society .

  24. 他的确是个风雅之士,又有才智,堪使读者赞美。

    He has real elegance and a real intelligence that the reader is asked to admire .

  25. 日本传统美学理念“物哀”、“风雅”渗透了川端康成的文章。

    Traditional Japanese aesthetic philosophy " of sorrow " and " Fuga " infiltrated Yasunari Kawabata articles .

  26. 当然大城市并不占尽建筑风采或名胜古迹之风雅。

    The large cities are of course do not have a monopolise on architectural or historical monuments .

  27. 一场暴风雪正在酝酿中。公开场合吐痰有伤风雅。

    A snowstorm is coming up . It is not good form to split in the open .

  28. 在这种场合,克莱格先生正好来表现他的风雅嗜好和炫示那些在温室里培养出来的花草。

    Mr. Craig had been proud to show his taste and his hothouse plants on the occasion .

  29. 如果你愿意的话,你尽管同奎斯迪小姐谈孔雀宝座好啦,听人说她很风雅。

    You can talk to Miss Quested about the Peacock Throne if you like-She 's artistic they say .

  30. 颇有生活鉴赏力的人,风雅的人

    A man of taste