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  • 网络vayo-dhatu
  1. 近年来,伴随计算机科学技术的迅猛发展,CFD数值方法已逐渐成为结构风工程界研究下击暴流近地风场及风剖面特征的主要方法。

    In recent years , accompanied with rapid development of the computer science and technology , CFD numerical method has gradually become the main method of researching downburst wind field and wind profiles in structural wind engineering field .

  2. 东亚夏季风北界与我国夏季降水关系的研究东北地区雪盖与夏季降水的相关分析

    Relationship of Northern Boundary of East Asian Summer Monsoon and Summer Precipitation in Eastern Part of China Correlation Analyses between Snow-cover and Summer Precipitation in Northeast of China

  3. 西北地区春季和夏季降水异常及其与赤道中东太平洋海温异常的关系东亚夏季风北界与我国夏季降水关系的研究

    Analysis of Anomalous Characteristics of Precipitation in Spring and in Summer in Northwest China and the Relations with SSTA in Middle-east Equator Pacific Ocean ; Relationship of Northern Boundary of East Asian Summer Monsoon and Summer Precipitation in Eastern Part of China

  4. 国际风工程界对结构风效应的研究已着重于非线性风致振动的精细化,结构气动参数的精确识别以及为风洞试验所需的紊流风场的真实模拟。

    The international wind engineering circle has emphasized the studies on this area to the refinement of nonlinear wind-induced vibrations , the precise identification of aerodynamic parameters for structures as well as the real simulation of natural turbulent flow field for wind tunnel tests .

  5. 波顿对于服装的历史沿革痴迷不已,这在冷嘲热讽与喜新厌旧之风盛行的时装界实属凤毛麟角。

    Bolton is enraptured by the narrative of clothing , rare in an industry that is rife with cynicism and ennui .

  6. 目前,通过历史文献来研究云南夏季风的变化学术界尚无先例,本文的探索将进一步拓展历史气候的研究领域。

    Up to now , this is the first study of Yunnan summer monsoon by means of historical documents and it will further develop the field of research on historical climate .