
  • 网络wind-cold-wetness evil;wind-cold damp pathogen;windcolddampness;wind cold dampness
  1. 其主要病机为肝肾亏虚,风寒湿邪痹阻,痰瘀阻络。据此确立补肾蠲痹通络为膝骨关节炎肾虚络痹证的治疗大法。

    And The main pathogenesis for the liver and kidney deficiency , evil wind cold dampness , collaterals clogged with phlegm and blood stasis .

  2. 病至晚期,肝肾不足,气血两虚,风寒湿邪侵袭人体日久,稽留筋骨而成痹证。

    Disease to late , liver and kidney deficiency , blood deficiency , the wind cold dampness evil invasion of the body a long time , missed bones become Arthralgia .

  3. 中医学为膝骨关节炎主要是由于风寒湿邪侵袭,痹阻关节所致。

    Traditional Chinese Medicine holds that knee osteoarthritis is mainly caused by wind-cold-dampness evil invasion and blockage of joints .

  4. 本病的特点是肝肾亏虚为基础,感受风寒湿邪。

    The characteristic is that it 's based on deficiency of both liver and kidney and onset of pathogen wind , cold and damp .

  5. 陈伤一般肿胀不明显,常以风寒湿邪侵袭而反复发作。损伤部位发生于肩、肘、腕、腰、膝、髀、踝等处。

    An old injury has not marked swelling but has the repeated recurrence in case of the invasion by exogenous pathogenic wind , cold and dampness .

  6. 肝脾肾亏虚,正气虚弱是本病的主要病因,肝脾肾亏虚,正气虚弱致骨失滋养、气血失凋、外感风寒湿邪导致局部或全身骨关节退化。

    Liver and spleen , kidney deficiency virtual , upright weakness is a major cause of this disease . Liver and spleen , kidney deficiency virtual , upright weakness induced bone loss nourish blood loss withered , exogenous wind cold dampness evil cause local or systemic bone and joint degeneration .

  7. 风寒湿等外邪侵袭亦是主要诱发因素。

    Invasion of wind cold dampness and other evils is the main predisposing factors .