
  • 网络Cis;corporate identity system;corporation identity system;Corporate Identify System;corporate identification system
  1. 企业识别系统(CIS)在高校图书馆中的应用,有利于塑造独特的图书馆形象。

    The application of CIS in university libraries may help to mold the unique library image .

  2. 本文从饭店企业的识别系统入手,结合经济学、管理学几方面的知识,采用分析、归纳、总结的方法,对现代饭店企业识别系统进行研究。

    The dissertation , started with the CIS of hotels , combined the knowledge of economics and management , used by methods of analysis , induction and summary , makes a research for CIS of modern hotels .

  3. CIS是英文CorporateIdentitySystem的缩写,即企业识别系统,或称为企业形象。


  4. 企业识别系统(简称CIS)是企业发展的重要战略之一。

    CIS is one of the significant strategies for enterprise development .

  5. 借鉴CIS理论提出了房地产实行统一的企业识别系统的设想。

    From CIS unified theory made real estate enterprises customary identification system vision .

  6. CIS企业识别系统在高校体育团体中的实践与应用

    Application of Corporation Identification System in Sports Organization

  7. 运用公共关系基本原理,把企业识别系统CIS策划引入地区形象塑造实务,研究重庆县域城镇形象建设问题。

    Applying the fundamental principles of public relations , this paper introduces the Corporate Identity System ( CIS ) into district image projection .

  8. Ⅵ(VisualIdentity)视觉识别系统是企业识别系统(CIS)三要素其中之一,是企业信息传播的一项系统工程,主要通过视觉传达的方式得以外化。

    Visual Identity System is one of the three elements of the Corporate Identity System ( CIS ), and it is a systematic project for corporate information dissemination that conveys information by visual transmission .

  9. 企业识别系统(corporateidentifysystem,CIS)已逐步应用于医院文化建设,起着内聚人心、外塑形象的作用,但医院文化的丰富内涵也同样决定了CIS的局限性。

    Corporate Identify System ( CIS ) now plays a key role in the construction of hospital culture . On the other side , the CIS also has some limitations due to the complication of hospital culture .

  10. 将企业识别系统(CI)理论中的视觉识别系统(Ⅵ)概念加以发展提炼,将其部分内涵延伸移植到水泥工厂的建筑设计过程当中。

    Based on the philosophy of Visual Identity ( VI ) system from Corporate Identity ( CI ) theory , the author transplanted partial intentions of VI to architectural design in cement plant .

  11. CI(企业识别系统)作为企业或者品牌进行形象策划、设计、传播和管理的战略、方案和手段,越来越被企业界所重视。

    CI ( corporate identity system ) as a corporate or brand image planning , design , communication and management strategies , programs and tools , more and more valued by the business community .

  12. CIS,即企业识别系统是在企业界发展比较成熟的形象塑造工具,对于塑造大学品牌形象同样具有十分的借鉴意义。它包括MI即理念识别、BI行为识别、VI视觉识别三项主要活动。

    CIS , Corporation Identity System , which includes MI , Mind Identity , BI , Behavior Identity and VI , Visual Identity , is the image-shaping tools developed in industries , and is referentially meaningful in the establishment of University Brand .

  13. 基于数字媒体的企业识别系统研究

    A Study on the Corporate Identity System Based on Digital Media

  14. 企业识别系统设计美的表现研究

    The Study on the Expression of Aesthesia Design in Corporate Identity System

  15. 企业识别系统中的企业名称、品牌名称、标志同一化趋势

    Identity Trend of Enterprise Name , Brand Name , and Logo in EIS

  16. 星级饭店企业识别系统研究

    Research for Star Hotels ' Corporation Identity System

  17. 企业识别系统与品牌的塑造

    The Corporate Identity System and the Brand Name

  18. 新闻媒体经营管理与企业识别系统

    Mass Media Management and Corporate Identity System

  19. 企业识别系统的建立与更新

    Establishment and Renewal of Corporate Identity System

  20. 企业识别系统中的环境、资源观及其形象设计

    The Outlook on the Environment & Resources in Corporate Identity System and Its Image Design

  21. 这一特点也体现在数字媒体与企业识别系统的关系上。

    The similar relationship can also be found between digital media and the corporation identity system ( CIS ) .

  22. 企业识别系统正是联系企业与消费者、品牌识别与品牌形象的中间链条。

    Corporate identity system is the middle chain that integrates among corporation and consumer , brand identity and brand image .

  23. 企业识别系统在市场竞争日趋激烈的今天,作为一种理论和实践逐渐发展起来,已经成为了一个显性课题。

    Nowadays , the corporate identity system is gradually developing as a theory and practice , in the increasingly fierce market competition .

  24. 前者通过装修设计、器皿物什、企业识别系统的物质载体等要素实现;

    The former one can be realized by utilizing material factors , such as household utensils , recognizing system , designing and so on .

  25. 在企业识别系统中贯穿环境形象设计是企业形象塑造的关键。

    This paper propose that basic requirement of the construction of corporate image the " environmental image " penetrating in the design of corporate identity system .

  26. 作者认为,理解、运用企业识别系统,实施成人高等学历教育形象战略,将是十分有益的。

    The authors think that understanding and using " Corporate Identity System " and implement the image strategy of adult high academic certificate education will be very helpful .

  27. 大学形象识别系统(UIS)由企业形象识别系统(CIS)转化而来。

    University Identity System ( UIS ) is transforms by Corporation Identity System ( CIS ) .

  28. VI系统即企业视觉识别系统,是企业面向广大消费者展示其品牌形象的有效途径。

    VI system is the corporate visual identity system which is an effective way for enterprises to display their brand image to consumers .

  29. 自我国在80年代引入CIS(CorporateIdentitySystem,企业形象识别系统)以来,从一开始的CI大潮走到今天,经历了很漫长曲折的道路,有得有失。

    Coming today , since the importing of CIS ( Corporate Identity System ) in 1980s , the development of the Cl 's great tide in China has passed through a long and flectional road , and there 's success and failure .

  30. 本文借助CIS(企业形象识别系统)模式,提出高校进行形象塑造的基本框架&UIS(高校形象识别系统)。

    This article brings forward the basic framework of universities by the help of CIS ( Corporation Identifying System ) pattern to figure a good impression & " UIS "( University Identifying System ) .