
  • 网络Propaganda;Corporate Communications;corporate propaganda;company Publicity
  1. 在客户危机事件处理中,有些房地产开发企业善于处理危机,利用危机事件有效进行企业宣传;有些企业因为经验缺乏、准备不充分等原因未能化解危机,严重影响到公司的信誉和经营。

    Some companies are good at dealing with the customer crisis , they use the crisis effectively as a chance for corporate propaganda . However , due to lacking of experiences or preparedness , some can not handle the crisis well and cause negative effects .

  2. 做好国有企业宣传思想工作应注重的八个方面

    Eight Aspects Had to Be Emphasized in Propaganda and Ideological Work in State-owned Enterprise

  3. 关于铁路运输企业宣传贯彻ISO9000标准的思考

    Thoughts on Publicizing and Implementing ISO9000 Standards in Railway Transport Enterprises

  4. 事实上,安德鲁王子(princeandrew)在全球各地飞来飞去为英国企业宣传推广,使得英国纳税人对皇室的投资得到了一些回报。

    The fact that Prince Andrew flies around the world promoting British companies gives UK taxpayers some return on their royal investment .

  5. 姚明不仅是NBA的一张好名片,而且他还为企业宣传自己提供了一个很好的平台。

    Yao Ming is not only a good image within the NBA but he provides a good platform for companies to promote themselves .

  6. 纳斯达克副董事长、前美国国会议员迈克尔奥克斯利(michaeloxley)称,通过北京代表处,纳斯达克可以向那些希望进入这个“大联盟”的中国企业宣传美国的资本市场。

    The office will allow NASDAQ to publicise US capital markets to Chinese companies wishing to enter the " big league " , according to Michael Oxley , the vice-chairman and a former US lawmaker .

  7. 纳斯达克副董事长、前美国国会议员迈克尔?奥克斯利(MichaelOxley)称,通过北京代表处,纳斯达克可以向那些希望进入这个“大联盟”的中国企业宣传美国的资本市场。

    The office will allow Nasdaq to publicise US capital markets to Chinese companies wishing to enter the " big league , " according to Michael Oxley , the vice-chairman and a former US lawmaker .

  8. 而且一部企业宣传片,是永久性的影像记录。

    And a enterprise introductions are permanent image recording .

  9. 企业宣传片就是一张艺术化的企业名片!

    Enterprise promo is a artistic enterprise name card .

  10. 构建企业宣传工作的新平台

    Construct a New Platform of Propaganda in Enterprise

  11. 企业宣传片不仅仅是拍摄制作一套光盘那么简单。

    Enterprise publicity is not just as it made a set of CD so simple .

  12. 此外,深圳将在学校、社区及企业宣传低碳出行方式。

    In addition , Shenzhen will promote low-carbon commuting at schools , residential communities and enterprises .

  13. 企业宣传片,资料片,产品推广片整体设计拍摄制作。

    Overall design , shooting and production of enterprise publicity , library footage and products promotion footage ;

  14. 企业宣传报道策略研究

    Enterprises report strategy study

  15. 药品广告是制药企业宣传产品、树立品牌、促进销售的重要渠道。

    Drug advertisement is a way that drug company public products , set up brands and promote sales .

  16. 我们的目标是针对客户的需要,为其提供度身定做的、个性化的影视广告和企业宣传片解决方案。

    Its goal is to address the needs of customers and to provide tailor-made , personalized advertising solution .

  17. 商业广告之外,企业宣传报道作为企业传播的重要形式,正被众多的企业所重视和运用。

    Besides commercial advertisements , today more enterprises attach great attention to business report practices gain notable results .

  18. 现在,可以把公司资料、服务产品或技术资讯等制作成多媒体企业宣传片!

    Put your company , products and skill set on the new media map with a cutting edge corporate video .

  19. 商标是企业宣传和推销产品的重要工具也为顾客了解商品提供了便捷。

    Brand name is ' an important part of marketing and it provides a shortcut for people to know the products .

  20. 因此,该电子商务系统实际上是一个包含网站前台建设,后台内部管理,客户关系管理,订单管理的复杂项目,它决非一个简单的企业宣传式的静态网站。

    So the electronic business system includes the web site and back platform order management , customer management and promotion management .

  21. 企业宣传片可以发网络,可以赠客户,也可以作为企业资料,去开拓新的市场。

    Enterprise promo can send network , can give customers , also can serve as enterprise material , to develop new markets .

  22. 企业宣传资料英译&以常德卷烟厂品牌国际合作介绍材料的翻译为例

    On the Chinese-English Translation of Enterprise 's Advocating Materials & An Example from the CDCF 's Enterprise Publicizing Text Translation in the International Brand Cooperation

  23. 企业宣传片是涵盖巨大信息量的品牌传播工具,拍摄企业专题片是一项复杂的工程。

    The business enterprise publicity slice is the brand media which covers a great deal of information , taking business enterprise special subject a slice is a complicated engineering .

  24. 世界500强作为商业期刊的一种商业行为,有着严格的评选标准、评选程序,并在世界范围内具有相当强的企业宣传效应。

    As a business behavior , with strict assessment standards and the procedure , evaluating the world 's 500 in the commercial periodical has quite strong enterprises propagandist effect worldwide .

  25. 甲方所拍摄广告只作为企业宣传广告之用,用于平面画册、店内灯箱、海报、报纸、户外路牌、企业网站等。

    Issue scope : The pictures shoot by Client are used on propaganda advertisement , such as catalogue , store light box , poster , newspaper , billboard , website etc.

  26. 商业广告,广播,电视,电影,视频游戏和企业宣传片中的配音艺术家同样需要演技,而这份工作中巨大的竞争可能会让你望而生畏。

    As with acting , the competition for the voiceover work you hear in commercials , radio , TV , film , video games , and corporate videos can be daunting .

  27. 然后,从讨论媒介权力入手,解析了企业宣传报道与新闻媒介的互动关系,论述了企业与媒介互动合作的理论依据和现实证据;

    Secondly , by using the concept edia power ? the thesis reveals the interactive relationship between business report and mass media and describes the theories and realities of the inter-cooperation between them .

  28. 这两种现状的交织演进最终导致消费者对企业宣传形成了又爱又恨的矛盾心理,忽视消费者任何一种反应都不可能达到有效的营销沟通。

    The two states of affair are intertwined , making consumers ' contradictory psychological state of both love and hate to product claims , obviously , neglecting either reaction of consumers would not achieve valid marketing communication .

  29. 本文首先论述了企业宣传报道的内容和特点,比较了企业宣传报道与企业广告发布、危机公关的联系与区别,着重分析了企业宣传报道的功能和意义;

    The thesis first review the content and characteristics of the business report , compare it with enterprise advertisement and public relations in crisis , and gives a big touch on the analysis of its function and significance .

  30. 民间慈善组织当进入到稳定发展阶段后,利用媒体企业宣传公益精神变得尤为重要,其中也出现了不少成功的案例,但在与媒体的实际合作中还有很多问题。

    When entering after the steady progression stage , Chinese Private charitable organizations have the very great demand of cooperation with the media cooperation . But there are also many blind spots and the difficulties in the practical cooperation .