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  1. 华夷之辨的错误及其危害

    Mistakes and Dangers of the Debate about China & Minority Nationality

  2. 谈中国传统哲学思想中的华夷之辩

    On the Debate Between Traditional Chinese Philosophic Ideas and Non - Chinese Ones

  3. 从国号的变更看古代日本的华夷意识

    The Study of the Zhonghua Consciousness in Ancient Japan by its Title Change

  4. 东亚以华夷朝贡体制为特征的国际秩序初步形成。

    The international order characteristic of East Asia overseas Chinese paying tribute originally formed ;

  5. 宋代火葬的盛行及其对“华夷之辨”观念的挑战

    Widely-accepted cremate in Song Dynasty and challenge to " the debate of Hua yi "

  6. 主要内容包括超越华夷界限,向西方学习;

    Learn from the western society ;

  7. 论中国边疆思想之华夷之辨观

    A Discussion on " the Difference between China and Minority Nationality " in the Ancient Chinese Frontier Conception

  8. 华夷之辨观念的错误在于否认民族的平等性、民族的融合性和民族间经济文化的交融性。

    The mistakes are that it denies the equality and melting of nations and cultural combination of national economy .

  9. 明清两代,迎来了华夷秩序的巅峰期。

    The Ming and Qing Dynasties have reached the peak of the order of the Chinese and the Aliens .

  10. 元代史学领域的“华夷”、“正统”观念

    The Concepts of " Chinese and Foreign " and " Orthodoxy " in the Historical Studies of the Yuan Dynasty

  11. 清政府以华夷秩序的封闭与斥异性为主导的外交思想造就其在对朝问题的处理上固守着传统思维,运用着僵化、保守的以夷制夷外交政策。

    In Qing Dynasty , the government 's conservative foreign policy results in a traditional and inflexible policy to Korea .

  12. 华夷关系的博弈论分析&以与草原民族的关系为例

    An Analysis of Hua-yi Relationship Based on the Game Theory & A Case Study of the Relationship with the Nomad Nationalities

  13. 古老的中华帝国被新兴的小国日本所击败,打破了东北亚传统的华夷秩序;

    The ancient Emperor China was defeated by the newly developed Japan , which broke the traditional Northeastern Asian Sino-foreign country system ;

  14. 本文认为蒙元统治者“华夷有别”与“内华夏、外夷狄”的偏见比较淡薄,对边疆少数民族较少歧视。

    In this article the author considers that the rulers of Mongol Empire and Yuan Dynasty rarely discriminate against the minorities in borderland .

  15. 华夷观念的产生是由于区别不同于诸夏文化与政治倾向的人群的需要。

    HuaYi idea is the result of distinguishing the crowd who are different from ' the vassal states ' cultural and political tendencies .

  16. 可以说,华夷之辨是中国古代边疆思想中的核心思想。

    It can be seen ," the difference between China and minority nationality " was a central ideology of an ancient Chinese frontier conception .

  17. 在中国历史上,华夷之辨不仅仅是一种民族观,而且也是一种边疆观。

    In Chinese history ," the difference between China and minority nationality " is not only a national conception , but also a frontier conception .

  18. 在治理东北边疆过程中,华夷一统思想既起到了积极作用,也起到了消极作用。

    In the governance of the north-east frontier process ," hua-yi unified " ideology had played a positive role , but also played a negative role .

  19. 这是作为华夷之辨观念维护者的宋代儒家学说影响力式微,而作为挑战一方的佛教和少数民族丧葬观念强势影响中原文化,以及宋代特殊的时代特征交织作用的结果。

    As a result of the joint influence of Confucianism and cremate ideas of Buddhism and minority in Song Dynasty , the challenge side won the debate .

  20. 那些严讲华夷之辨、充满忠爱之思的诗作往往被他们忽略。

    That part which being of a strict speaking Han-ethnic in distinguishing , or filling with the thought of faithful and love in poems are often ignored .

  21. 宋代火葬习俗屡禁不止,火葬与反火葬之争其实质是挑战与维护华夷之辨观念的一个缩影。

    Widely-accepted Cremate in Song Dynasty and Challenge to " the Debate of Hua Yi " In Song Dynasty , people failed in trying to forbid the custom of cremate .

  22. 中国历史上的正统观念有一个形成、发展的过程,它最早发轫于远古中原诸夏与四夷的华夷之辨,形成内华夏、外夷狄的民族正统理念,攘夷是其主要表现。

    The idea of orthodox in Chinese history was the result of historical development . First of all , there emerged the national legitimate idea that Huaxia was civilized nationality , and out of it was barbarians .

  23. 经世致用的学风推动着他们摒弃传统的华夷观念,在政治、经济、思想文化、军事、教育、国防等方面初步引入现代事物,从而开始了中国现代化的进程。

    The learning atmosphere pushed they abandoned the traditional differentiating Chinese from barbarian ideas and introduced modern things in many aspects such as politics 、 economy 、 ideology 、 military affairs and national defense etc. Chinese modernization started thereby .

  24. 华夏诸侯对四夷的摈斥,秦楚吴越对华夏正统的进取,构成华夷之辨的主要内容。

    The rejection of all foreign races from the Chinese dukes and the recognition of the Chinese orthodoxy from Qin , Qi , Wu and Yue Dynasties formed the main contents of the discrimination between the Chinese race and foreign races .

  25. 外交中西方国家是以近代外交机构作为执行机构,在近代外交理论的指导下进行的,而中国仍然以传统的外交机构为执行机构,并且在传统的华夷观念的指导下进行的。

    The western countries regard modern diplomatic organization as the executive body and guidance comes with the modern diplomatic theory and China still regards traditional diplomatic organization as the executive body and guidance in the traditional diplomatic idea while both sides associate .

  26. 中国传统的华夷之辨观是贵中华、贱夷狄的民族观、国家观,往往会给进入中原的少数民族政权带来沉重的思想压力。

    The traditional Chinese " Hua Yi Zhi Bian "( Chinesebarbarian-discrimination ) is view of nation and state which valued Hua and despised Yi , often can give the national minority political powers who entered the central plains to bring the serious thought pressure .

  27. 后抓住华夷区分的标准重文化轻血缘的特点,以自己文化上的进步来争取华的位置,将夷狄的帽子扣在其它政权的头上。

    Latter holding the standard of discrimination between Hua and Yi heaving culture and lighting blood relationship characteristic , strived for " China " position by oneself culture in progress , the hat of " Yidi " buckled in on other political power heads .

  28. 对于中国西南地区(包括云南、贵州、四川、西康)而言,也就意味着出现了结束在一点四方、华夷五方格局中仅扮演边缘角色的契机。

    For the southwest region of China ( including Yunnan , Guizhou , Sichuan , Sikang ), it means that the opportunity appeared to end only playing a marginal role in the pattern of the " one center , four edge " or " Pattern of Chinese-Barbarain " .