
chā rù mó shì
  • insert mode
  1. vi文本编辑器使用了两种主要的模式:命令模式和插入模式。

    The vi text editor uses two main modes : command mode and insert mode .

  2. Ins键激活插入模式,插入模式允许在两个字符间插入信息。

    Ins key activates the insert mode , which allows you to insert information between two characters .

  3. 以上结果证实了万隆霉素以双插入模式插入到双链DNA分子的碱基对中,同时还存在一定的非特异性的静电作用。

    These results proved that Wanlongmycin not only intercalates among the base pairs of the DNA double-helical structure , but also has nonspecific electrostatic interactions with DNA .

  4. 现在,当您在命令行上键入时,将其视为处于vi编辑器中的插入模式。

    When you type on the command line now , think of it as you 're now in insert mode in the vi editor .

  5. 只需退出插入模式并切换到命令模式,将光标移动到错误字符并进行替换,所有这些操作都使用vi命令完成。

    Simply exit insert mode to switch into command mode , move the cursor to the incorrect letter , and replace it & all using vi commands .

  6. 要进入插入模式,按I键即可;要退出命令模式,按Escape(我将在本文后面更详细地介绍行模式)。

    To enter insert mode , simply press the I key ; to exit to command mode , press Escape . ( I explain line mode in further detail later in this article . )

  7. vi文本编辑器将操作分为插入模式和命令模式,这允许您使用超快的键盘命令对文本和用户定义的段进行动态地编辑、插入和移动。

    The vi text editor separates operations into insert mode and command mode , which gives you ultrafast access to key commands that can edit , insert , and move text in on-the-fly , user-defined segments .

  8. 如果出错或者需要向要执行的命令添加一些内容,只需按Esc键退出插入模式并切换回命令模式。

    If you make a mistake or need to add something to the command to execute , simply click the Esc key to exit insert mode and switch back to command mode .

  9. 此外,通过设置showcancelbutton属性,可以显示或隐藏在记录处于编辑或插入模式时显示的“取消”按钮。

    In addition , the Cancel button displayed when a record is in edit or insert mode can be shown or hidden by setting the showcancelbutton property .

  10. 而在插入模式下,则显示这些字母。

    In insert mode , these letters are displayed , instead .

  11. 获取或设置插入模式中项的自定义内容。

    Gets or sets the custom content for an item in insert mode .

  12. 按i可以在当前光标位置的前面进入到插入模式。

    Pressing I puts you into insert mode in front of the current cursor location .

  13. 可以使用相同的通用模式,让插入模式或缩写词执行任何可编写脚本的操作。

    You can use the same general pattern to cause an insertion map or an abbreviation to perform any scriptable action .

  14. 例如,如果在缓存中有两个段落,那么在插入模式下您将输入

    For example , if you had the preceding two paragraphs in a buffer , and then in insertion mode you typed

  15. 尽管广泛使用的是命令和插入模式,但行模式同样重要,只是有时候没有被充分理解和使用。

    Although command and insert modes are widely used , line mode is equally powerful but sometimes not fully understood or used .

  16. 当您进入到插入模式,可以使用键盘输入文本,例如在命令行中。

    When you enter insert mode , the keyboard is used to enter text , for instance , on the command line .

  17. 这个命令删除当前的单词,并进入到插入模式,以便您可以立即输入替换的单词。

    This command deletes the current word and puts you in insert mode so that you can immediately start typing a replacement word .

  18. 用户可以在两种模式(插入模式和命令模式)之间进行切换,以便分别插入文本或对文档进行操作和导航。

    Users can switch between two modes , insert and command mode , to either insert text or manipulate and navigate the document , respectively .

  19. 下一组命令模式按键提供了各种进入插入模式的方法,可以用来向文件中输入新的文本。

    The next set of command mode keys provide different ways to enter insert mode , which is used to input new text into your file .

  20. 但是我们所看到的扩展,都需要用户通过发布一个正常模式命令,或者在插入模式中输入一个特殊的序列,明确地请求行为。

    But all the extensions we have seen have required the user to explicitly request behavior , by issuing a Normal-mode command or typing a particular sequence in Insert mode .

  21. 在插入模式下操作时,文本被写入临时编辑文件;在一般模式下,相同的键击会触发嵌入在编辑器中的命令。

    When operating in insert mode , text is written to a temporary file being edited ; while in normal mode , the same keystrokes provoke commands embedded in the editor .

  22. 部分这些条目将指定光标必须在补全之后返回到初始位置,这将要求从插入模式执行一个定制命令。

    Some of those entries will specify that the cursor should be returned to its previous position after completion , which will require executing a custom command from within insertion mode .

  23. 在本教程开始处输入初始文本时,您使用了最基本的方式进入到插入模式:按i键,它表示

    You used the most basic way to enter insert mode at the beginning of this tutorial when you entered your initial text : You pressed the I key , which stands for

  24. 稍后将对每种模式进行介绍,现在请按i键以进入到插入模式,然后输入一些文本行内容,这与在普通文本编辑器中的操作相同。

    Each mode is described in detail later ; for now , press the I key to enter insert mode , and then type a few lines of text as you would in a normal text editor .

  25. 不是对无关单词进行听写,现在听写的单词表中偷偷插入了模式,有时候是整句话。

    Instead of dictating relatively unrelated words , patterns were now surreptitiously inserted into the lists , sometimes whole sentences .

  26. 尽管您可以选择在插入之前根据模式验证XML文档,但是还可以使用触发器自动完成验证,而不需要用户参与。

    Although you have an option of validating the XML document against a schema before insertion , triggers can be used to do this validation automatically without the knowledge of the user .

  27. 其二,恋情小说中插入诗歌这种模式,在小说史上也有一定的价值。

    Secondly , the model of romance novels inserted with poetry , having certain value on the history of the novel .

  28. DB29允许用户创建和注册带注释的XML模式,用于分解XML文档,以及在将文档插入数据库之前根据模式对输入文档进行验证。

    DB29 enables users to create and register annotated XML schemas for the purpose of XML document shredding and the validation of input documents against these schemas prior to insertion .

  29. 在此例中,调用wc要比第二次调用grep并插入一个虚拟模式(例如grep-c)来对行进行匹配和计数稍快一点。

    In this case , a call to wc is slightly faster than a second call to grep with a dummy pattern put in to match and count each line ( such as grep-c ) .

  30. 插入新文本的另一种有用的方法是,在进入到插入模式的同时,向您的文本文件添加新的一行。

    Another useful way of inserting new text is to simultaneously enter insert mode and add a new line to your text file .