
  1. 为了于四岁的孙女“比赛种花”&这个温馨的有缘,48岁的Eve在花园中洒下了不少种子,结果却“无心插柳柳成荫”的长出了这一株庞然大物。

    Eve , 48 , had sown a handful of seeds as part of a light-hearted competition with her four-year-old granddaughter , and planted this one as a spare .

  2. 柳在中国古代社会有特殊的涵义,就民俗而言,主要表现为插柳及汉唐盛行的折柳习俗。

    Willow had distinguished implicature in the folk custom of ancient China .

  3. 有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成荫。

    A watched flower never blooms , but an untended willow grows .

  4. 插柳起源的说法有很多。

    Plug the origin of willow .

  5. 清明是鬼节之一,百鬼出没,插柳自然是辟邪了。

    Sobriety is one of the Ghost Festival , demons , nature is capable of warding off evil into willow .

  6. 清明节扫墓是重头内容,除此之外,还有很多活动,其中比较有趣的是踏青和插柳。

    The grave is to build content for Ching Ming Festival , there are a variety of different activities , which are an outing and .

  7. 人们因为禁火,需要重新用榆柳取火,所以就在门口插柳。

    As fire was forbidden , people had to return to the elm willow for starting fire . Therefore , they planted willow trees in front of their gates .

  8. 安徒生童话—无心插柳柳成荫如果你在一个晴朗的夏日漫步穿过纽约中央公园,你也许会碰见一群孩子在全神贯注地听着故事。

    If you are walking through New York 's Central Park on a fine summer day , you might come across a group of children enthusiastically listening to a story .

  9. 清明节的习俗是丰富有趣的,除了讲究禁火、扫墓,还有踏青、荡秋千、踢蹴鞠、打马球、插柳等一系列风俗体育活动。

    Ching Ming Festival is the custom of the rich interesting , in addition to stress fire ban , grave-sweepers , and Ta-Qing , swinging , Cuju , playing polo , Liu inserted a series of custom sports .