
  • 网络painter;Oil painters
  1. 他被誉为英格兰现代最伟大的油画家。

    He was acclaimed as England 's greatest modern painter

  2. 素描是油画家成长的必经之路。

    Learning sketch is the only way to be an oil painter .

  3. 除了夏洛尔的私人用品、速写和笔记外,这场特展还加入了一些受他启发或者与他毕生之作相关的艺术家的创作,既有德拉克罗瓦(Delacroix)这样的古典法国油画家,也有安塞姆·基弗(AnselmKiefer)这样的现代国际名家。

    In addition to Ch é reau 's personal effects , sketches and notes , the show intersperses creations by artists who inspired him or relate to his oeuvre , from classic French painters like Delacroix to contemporary international figures like Anselm Kiefer .

  4. 中国当代女性油画家表现主义风格成因及面貌

    The Performance Style and Expression of Chinese Contemporary Female Painters

  5. 蒋德斌是中国当代著名实力派油画家。

    Jiang Debin is an emerging oil painting artist in today 's China .

  6. 油画家陆琦访谈

    An Interview with the Oil Painter Lu Qi

  7. 阿布拉现年34岁,是一位外表整洁的油画家,刚刚开始在国际上受到关注。

    Mr. Abula , a clean-cut 34-year-old oil painter , has just started to get internationally noticed .

  8. 展览:2011年《“经典的魅力”青年油画家邀请展》,马奈草地艺术中心,北京。

    The Charm of Classic , Youth Oil Painting Exhibition ", Manet Art Space , Beijing " .

  9. 女性油画家的生命体验

    Experience of Woman Oil-Painting Artist

  10. 我的第一位启蒙导师,我父母的一位最好的朋友,是一名资深油画家和摄影师。

    My first initiation teacher , my parents'best friend , is a senior oils painter and the photographer .

  11. 浅析西方油画家色彩语言特征与画家个性的关联

    On the Relevancy of the Color Language and the Painter 's Personality of the Painters in Western Countries

  12. 中国当代具象油画家材料技法与个性化语言的关系研究

    A Study of the Relationship between Material Skill Methods and Personalized Language of Chinese Contemporary Representation Oil Painters

  13. 因此,提升油画家们的精神境界、人格品质和社会道德责任感是非常紧迫的。

    Therefore , enhancing the mental outlook , personality traits and moral responsibility of oil painters is pressing .

  14. 第五部分,对我国当代青年油画家个人艺术风格的构建做出自己的思考与建议。

    The fifth part , make their own thinking and personal artistic style of our contemporary youth oil painters .

  15. 本论文试图对当代语境下的中国青年油画家个人风格的形成进行分析研究。

    This paper attempts to study the formation of the personal style of Chinese youth oil painters in the contemporary context .

  16. 知道最近,才有网友辨认出这三人分别是中国美术家协会理事戴都都、当代著名油画家李铁子以及张安君。

    Internet detectives have identified these three as the little-known Chinese artists Dai Dudu , Li Tiezi , and Zhang An .

  17. 中国当代油画家在创作活动中运用独特的个性化的表现语言来体现自己对现实世界、对艺术的理解。

    Chinese modern oil painters express their perceptions on the real world and art by exercising distinctive skills in composing activities .

  18. 罗尔奇原本是油画家,而他却在手工剪纸中寻求到了灵感。

    Originally trained as a painter , Luo Er Qi found inspiration and freedom in the elaborate hand crafting of paper cutting .

  19. 中国油画家一方面受西方油画的影响,在艺术语言上寻求与西方对位;

    Affected by the western oil painting , Chinese oil painters are seeking for the correspondence in the art language to the westerners .

  20. 同时对当下中国部分具有代表性的新现实主义写实油画家及其作品进行分析。

    At the same time , some of the current representative of the Chinese New Realism realism oil painter and his works for analysis .

  21. 经过几代中国油画家的努力,油画在中国已具有一定规模,并逐渐形成系统。

    Through the efforts of several generations of Chinese painting , oil painting in China has a certain scale and gradually formed the system .

  22. 乡村文化的代表风景油画家有王克举和赵开坤等,这些艺术家表现的乡村文化还有着各自的特色。

    Wang Ke Ju and Zhao Kai kun are the representative painter of the rural culture . These artists village culture and its characteristics .

  23. 油画家创作具象油画时运用油画的色彩、形体塑造和用笔的厚重感去呈现绘画语言的表现力和张力。

    Oil painting performance of representational painting by oil painting color , shape and a heavy feeling to painting language expressive force and tension .

  24. 刘爱民,教授,油画家,中国油画学会理事,曾获全国优秀教师奖等。

    Liu aimin , professor , oil-painter and executive director of the Institute of Chinese oil painting , was once awarded the nationwide prominent teacher .

  25. 油画家张万凌,1954年出生,毕业于西北民族学院艺术系油画专业;

    The oil painter Zhang Wanling was born in1954.He graduated at Oil Painting Section , the Art Department of the Northwest Institute of Minor Nationalities .

  26. 作为一种中国油画家主动建立带有文化自觉色彩的融合中西艺术表现的实践,始于二十世纪初,贯穿了二十世纪中国油画史的大半部分。

    The practice established by Chinese oil painters with the characteristic of cultural consciousness , is a combination of the eastern and western artistic express way .

  27. 内蒙古的油画家正在以其博大的胸怀在传统油画表现技法的基础上,积极的吸收和运用其他造型艺术样式中的营养。

    Inner Mongolia oil painting is its broad mind in traditional oil painting techniques based on , active absorption and use of other art styles in nutrition .

  28. 作品也自然透出了悠长而典雅的文化韵味,这在青年油画家中是难能可贵的。

    Her works also show the sense of long-lasting and elegant cultural aroma , which is quite unusual and full of reverence compared to other young painters .

  29. 福建油画家在依托于本土地域文化的丰富性上,探索出福建油画教学及绘画创作的思路。

    Native Fujian painters rely on the basis of the abundant kind of native culture , and they explore the approach of oil painting teaching and creating .

  30. 油画家更多地受到苏联油画的影响,没有多少机会接触西方油画,因而画风比较单一。

    The oil painters of the time were more influenced by Russian oil paintings than by Western paintings , and the style changed to become unaffected and simple .