
  1. 向热心于全国中学生作文大赛的王蒙先生提一个建议

    A Suggestion to Mr. Wang Meng , an Enthusiast for the National Middle School Students Composition Contest

  2. 第一届新概念作文大赛的成功举办,掀起了青春文学类图书的出版热潮。

    The success of the first new concept essay contest held , setting off a wave of Youth-literature book publishing .

  3. 红丝带杯作文大赛对中学生艾滋病知识知晓率的影响

    Effects of " Red Ribbon Cup " composition competition on middle school students in improving their HIV / AIDS knowledge

  4. 80后的出场是网络传媒、新概念作文大赛、图书市场和出版商多种力量共同作用的结果。

    It is the result of a network out of the media , the new concept of composition contest , book market and publishers .

  5. 《萌芽》在低潮中不断寻求出路,经历了八十年代后期的改革和1996年改版,在1998年启动新概念作文大赛,成功突围,发现并拥有了一个广阔的市场。

    " Mengya " broke through from the embarrassment and was possessed of a large market by reforming in late 1980s , correcting in 1996 and commenced New-Concept composition contest in 1998 successively .