
zuò zhàn zhǐ huī
  • Battle Command;operational command
  1. 在实际应用中,通过Matlab外部程序接口技术,该仿真结果已经很好地应用到了某智能作战指挥决策系统中。

    In practice , the simulation result has been applied to an operational command system using outer program interface technique of Matlab .

  2. 炮兵作战指挥理论起步较晚,但在短短的十多年内已逐步走向成熟,指挥手段已发展到今天以C4ISR系统为主的自动化指挥。

    The theory of Artillery Operational Command appeared rather late , yet it has developed greatly within a few years to yield such mature Operational Methods as Automatic Command based on C4ISR today .

  3. 他被授以这次军事行动的作战指挥权。

    He was given tactical command of the operation .

  4. Air(初三适用)空空协同作战指挥控制系统

    Cooperative Command System in Air Combat

  5. 本文还重点分析了GIS在作战指挥自动化中所能提供的主要功能,给出了GIS在作战指挥自动化系统中具体应用的总体结构组成图。

    In succession most of the functions offered by GIS in campaign command automation is analyzed .

  6. AHP及其在潜艇作战指挥上的应用

    AHP and its Application in the Field of Submarine Command

  7. 基于TAO中间件的舰载作战指挥系统构件化设计与实现

    Shipborne Combat Command System Software Component Design and Realization Based on TAO Middleware

  8. 基于MAS的一体化联合作战指挥系统

    The command system of integrated and joint operation based on MAS

  9. 一种基于MAS的作战指挥智能运作模型研究

    Research on Military Intelligent Operation Model Based on MAS

  10. 作战指挥训练仿真系统BOM模型体系研究

    Research of Warfare Command Training Simulation BOM Model System

  11. CSCW技术及其在作战指挥领域中的应用

    CSCW With Applications in Operation Command

  12. 动态武器目标分配(weapontargetassignment,WTA)问题是军事运筹学研究的重要理论问题,也是作战指挥决策中迫切需要解决的现实问题。

    Dynamic weapon target assignment ( WTA ) is an important theoretical problem for military operation research and a challenging practical concern in the process of combat command .

  13. 本文简单介绍了DIS技术,并给出了它在防空兵作战指挥仿真中的初步应用思路。

    This paper simply introduced the DIS , and an elementary idea of application on the simulation of air defence forces battle command was given .

  14. 作战指挥智能决策支持系统(IDSS)是用于辅助指挥员进行作战决策的计算机软件。

    Operation command IDSS ( Intelligence Decision Support System ) is a sort of computer software applied to aid operation decision .

  15. 电子战COP功能的设计对电子战作战指挥控制和电子战行动与其他作战行动间指挥协同问题的解决有着极其重要的作用。

    The design of EW 's COP plays an important role in solving the command cooperation problem between the command and control of EW and other military actions .

  16. 共享态势图COP(CommonOperationPicture)作为一种可视化、易操作的作战指挥辅助决策工具和作战协同能力验证工具,在未来作战指挥自动化系统和军事训练模拟系统中扮演着重要角色。

    Common Operation Picture ( COP ), which is a kind of visual and handle-easily tool of military command decision aids and validation of military collaboration-capacity made a very big role in the command and control system and the military training simulation system .

  17. 目标毁伤分析是C3I系统的一个重要组成部分,在作战指挥决策中是决定是否对目标实施第二次打击的主要判据。

    Target destruction analysis is an important component of C3I system and a main criterion in making command decision of carrying out the second strike on the target or not .

  18. 高层体系结构HLA是以提高仿真的可重用性、互操作性等目的而提出的新一代分布交互仿真体系结构,该文探讨了在HLA框架中开发作战指挥实体的关键技术及设计框架。

    High Level Architecture ( HLA ) is developed as an advanced DIS system architecture to support the reuse and interoperability of simulations . In this paper , we discuss the key issues and design frame in developing a command entity based on HLA .

  19. 任务规划系统(简称MPS),是空对地作战指挥系统的核心子系统。在空对地攻击作战行动中,作用于起飞、巡航、突防、对地攻击、返航等各个飞行阶段。

    Mission Planning Systems , abbreviated to MPS , is the kernel subsystem of air-to-ground combat commanding system , which is applied in such flight phases as taking off 、 cruising , stealthy penetrating , air-to-ground attacking and returning to port .

  20. 目前,我国正大力发展C3I系统,目的是实现指挥、控制、通信和情报保障的高度综合自动化,以满足现代战争对作战指挥的要求。

    At present , in order to realize the highly integrated automation for command , control , communication and information security , to meet the requirements of modern warfare on the operational command , China is vigorously developing C3I systems .

  21. 提出了基于DIS体系结构的多兵种合同作战指挥训练模拟系统PDU标准的制定原则、类型与格式,并介绍了它们在训练子系统和战区导弹攻防对抗仿真系统中的应用

    This paper presents the principles , type and format of PDU standard in the DIS-Based Command Training & Simulation System of Air Force Multi - Arms of Services Cooperation . The application is introduced in the War Zone Missile Engagement Simulation System and Air to Ground Army Simulation subsystem

  22. 相应地,作战指挥自动化系统的人与机之间关系是人帮机,人的作用主要体现在问题求解之初的结构化处理与决策结论的认可,决策模型、推理机制与决策流程是固化的。

    Decision model , reasoning mechanism and decision process are fixed .

  23. 该模型可为防空作战指挥决策提供科学依据。

    The model may provide scientific references for air defence decision-making .

  24. 防空兵作战指挥效能的综合评估方法

    Synthetic evaluation method for the command effectiveness of air defense forces

  25. 基于模式设计的作战指挥系统测试环境的仿真

    Simulation of Combat Command System Test Circumstance Based on Design Pattern

  26. 基于信息熵的作战指挥效能评价方法

    Assessment Method for Effectiveness of Combat Command Based on Information Entropy

  27. 消防作战指挥技术与应用理论体系构想

    The system info conceive of fire operational command technology and application

  28. 数字化战场防空兵作战指挥面临的困难和对策

    Difficulty and Countermeasure of Air Defense Battle Command in Digital Battlefield

  29. 它成了战争时期林肯的作战指挥中心

    It will become Lincoln 's nerve center in this war .

  30. 空间作战指挥决策的不确定性问题研究

    Research on the Uncertainty Problem About Command Decision-making in Space War