- 名Job Group;work group

The chest X-ray ( HKV ) examination showed that 454 cases had lung marking changes , but the control group only 4 cases .
The blood pressure load of SBP and DBP in hypertensive working on underwater operation were significantly higher than that of hypertensive surface operation .
The results showed that compared with the control group , IgG contents increased in all exposed groups . The differences between oven top and oven side groups were significant ( P < 0 05 ) .
A significantly higher detecting rate ( 28.1 % ) of abnormal ECG in exposure group was found , compared with the control group ( 16.3 % , P0.05 ), and sinus arrhythmia ( 11.6 % ) was the most remarkable finding .
Measurements of serum myocardial enzyme , plasma renin activity , angiotension I , Ca2 + - Mg2 + - ATPase and Na + - K + - ATPase were performed on lead exposed workers and control subjects .
The average values of MDA and SOD in serum of copying operator group were significantly higher than those of the health subject group ( P < 0.01 ), TAOC of copying operator group were significantly lower than those of the healthy subject group ( P < 0.01 ) .
Locusts , migratory pests and emergency operations group ;
Results No significant difference existed between the exposure group and the control group in hematology test , immunology index , T 4 and lymphocyte micronucleus changes .
The high-frequency hearing loss in the exposed group was 305 ( 34.3 % ) cases , which was significantly higher than that of the control group ( 20,12.5 % )( P < 0.01 ) .
Establishment of cultural relic protection system : the cultural relic protection management and organization structure is established , which is led by project manager and consists of full-time management personnel and persons in-charge of work teams .
The results showed that the frequencies of micronuclei on the groups of oven top and oven side were significantly higher than those of auxiliary labor and the control group ( P < 0 . 01 ) .
Barthel index : The Barthel indexes at 2 , 4 , 6 and 8 weeks after therapy were higher in the exercise + occupational therapy group than in the exercise therapy group ( P < 0.01 ) .
It was also found the statistically significant difference through the comparison of mean FEP value of workers at a battery factory with that of cleaners or college students , but the comparison between latter two groups showed no statistical difference .
Consequently , it is difficult and unfair to seriously evaluate late problem sets .
We encourage you to cooperate with each other in doing the problem sets .
Problem set solutions will be available at the end of the due date lecture .
A skeleton service will be operating .
You are welcome to flag topics of confusion to you in the problem sets ;
Problem sets must be handed in by the end of the class in which they are due .
There will be14 problem sets , corresponding to a weekly schedule , though the final problem set will not be collected .
Methods Thirty three stroke patients in hemiplegia rehabilitation program were divided into two groups : general rehabilitation group and occupational therapy group .
You are expected to do all the assigned problems , and we will assume that in making up the quizzes and final .
RESULTS : No significant difference was found in the flying ability between the individuals with good and poor Sternberg dual task performance .
Those engineers shall form a mode of three-level quality management with relevant departments and quality inspectors in all operation teams under the lead of project leading group in construction to be responsible for full-time quality management work in this project .
Choose a group of workers from same factory but without contacting of LPG as comparison group . 2 .
Results All scores of hand function were significantly higher in the occupational therapy plus acupuncture group than in the simple acupuncture group ( P0.01 ) .
Methods ECG in 214 noise exposed workers ( exposed group ) and 128 nonexposed personnel ( control group ) in a thermal power plant was determined by model ECG 6511 made in Shanghai before and during a shift .
Moreover , when the patients in medicated and unmedicated groups were taken to cognitive challenge task an obvious deficit in the activation of the frontal lobes of both sides was Observed , rcBF of the left and right frontal lobes was obviously lower than that in the control .
So you 've done your homework now in the laboratory frame-and you are home free & very well .
A series of heuristic algorithms was designed to solve problems in optimization of short and unfixed order-grouping in steel tube production .