
  • 网络systemic infection;systematic infection
  1. 本文综述了在病毒系统侵染、蚜虫和种子传毒、症状形成等方面的研究结果。

    Advances on mechanisms of systemic infection , virus transmission by aphids and seed , symptom formation were reviewed in this paper .

  2. 结果表明,壳寡糖处理使烟草对TMV病毒侵染产生了诱导抗病性,系统侵染症状明显减弱;壳寡糖处理对病毒长距离移动的不利影响可能是接种叶片病毒增殖减少所造成的。

    It was accordingly shown that chito-oligosaccharide induction caused the tobacco plants to form induced resistance to TMV infection so that their infection symptoms became weak and its negative effect on long-distance movement of TMV probably resulted from the inhibited TMV multiplication in the inoculated leaves .

  3. β-氨基丁酸诱导烟草抗烟草花叶病毒系统侵染的研究

    Resistance Induced by β - aminobutyric Acid in Tobacco to Tobacco Mosaic Virus

  4. 该分离物经汁液摩擦接种莱豆和豇豆只产生局部坏死斑,在烟草上为系统侵染。

    The Wc isolate only gives necrotic local lesions on bean and cowpea without systematic spread , but systematic on tobacco .

  5. 昆虫生殖道中抗菌肽的功能可能是保护生殖系统免受微生物的侵染,从而保证正常受精及后代的存活。

    The possible function of these peptides is to protect insect reproductive tract free from microbial infections , which favors egg fertilization and off-sping survival .