
  • 网络virtualization
  1. 这一类技术领域包括了像垃圾收集汇编语言之类的技术,例如Java™,以及整体系统虚拟化技术。

    Among these are technologies like garbage-collected just-in-time-compiled languages such as Java ™, and a greater prevalence of whole-system virtualization .

  2. MGC公司信息系统虚拟化的项目管理研究

    The Project Management Study of Information System Virtualization Project in MGC Company

  3. 它允许管理员将其操作系统虚拟化,从而能够减少IBMSystemp™分区服务器上的操作系统映像数量。

    It allows administrators to virtualize their operating system , which allows for fewer operating system images on your IBM System p ™ partitioned server .

  4. IBMp5系统虚拟化的内在技术源自一片被称为POWERHypervisor的固件,它位于闪存中。

    The technology behind the virtualization of the IBM p5 systems is from a piece of firmware known as the POWER Hypervisor , which resides in flash memory .

  5. 除了Linux之外,本文还讨论了其他操作系统虚拟化(Windows、Solaris)和其他虚拟化方法(比如网络堆栈虚拟化)。

    In addition to Linux , this article also covers other operating system virtualization ( Windows , Solaris ) and other means of virtualization ( such as network stack virtualization ) .

  6. WPAR不会替代LPAR,而是对其的补充,允许通过操作系统虚拟化进一步虚拟化应用程序工作负载。

    Rather than a replacement for LPARs , WPARs are a complement to them and allow one to further virtualize application workloads through operating system virtualization .

  7. 您还可以通过像OpenVZ这样的开源产品,在操作系统虚拟化的环境中实现动态迁移。

    You can also find live migration in the context of operating system virtualization through open source products like OpenVZ .

  8. 也就是说,分区帮助您将硬件整合和虚拟化在单个单元中,而通过WPAR技术进行的操作系统虚拟化则更进了一步,允许采用更为细粒度的方法进行资源管理。

    In other words , while partitioning helps you consolidate and virtualize hardware within a single box , operating system virtualization through WPAR technology goes one step further and allows for an even more granular approach of resource management .

  9. 操作系统虚拟化利用了现有的挂起与恢复功能。

    Operating system virtualization utilizes existing suspend and restore features .

  10. 系统虚拟化常常通过虚拟机管理程序技术来实现。

    System virtualization is most commonly implemented with hypervisor technology .

  11. 电气安全性能综合测试系统虚拟化设计

    A Design Of The Integrated Virtual Testing System Of Electrical Safety Performance

  12. 操作系统虚拟化技术有助于执行安装测试。

    The operating system virtualization technology helps for installation tests .

  13. 由于依赖关系的原因,不可能对所有测试类型都采用操作系统虚拟化。

    Adopting operating system virtualization for all test types is not possible because of dependencies .

  14. 最终确立了一条河南联通信息系统虚拟化发展的合适的道路。

    Finally we establish a Henan Unicom information system virtualization the development of suitable road .

  15. 提出一种利用系统虚拟化技术在现有操作系统上添加动态更新功能的方法。

    This paper proposes using virtualization to provide dynamic update capability for commodity operating system .

  16. 系统虚拟化在近年已成为学术界和产业界的热点。

    System virtualization has being popular in both the academic and industry community in recent years .

  17. 关于操作系统虚拟化和其他虚拟化方法的更多信息,请参见参考资料一节。

    You can learn more about operating system virtualization and other virtualization methods in the Resources section .

  18. 操作系统虚拟化对在独立用户空间内部运行的应用程序功能进行了限制。

    Operating system virtualization also restricts the capabilities of the applications running within the isolated user spaces .

  19. 他称,it系统虚拟化仅是其管理自动化的第一步。

    Virtualising IT systems , he says , is only the first step to automating their management .

  20. 了解虚拟机管理程序类型和系统虚拟化,以及如何确定哪个虚拟机管理程序满足您的需要。

    Learn about hypervisor types and system virtualization , and how to determine which hypervisor meets your needs .

  21. 处理器直接提供了虚拟化支持(可以为多个操作系统虚拟化处理器)。

    The processor provides the virtualization support directly ( the ability to virtualize the processor for multiple operating systems ) .

  22. 以下一般性问题有助于确定要使用操作系统虚拟化技术来最小化系统和人力资源的测试区域。

    The following general questionnaire helps in identifying the test area to use operating system virtualization technologies to minimize system and human resources .

  23. 系统虚拟化技术有效解决了传统集群或数据中心存在的资源浪费现象严重、管理费用过大等问题。

    System virtualization effectively tackles the important questions such as severe resource waste , enormous management costs in traditional cluters or data centers .

  24. 系统虚拟化在一个物理系统中创建许多虚拟系统,虚拟系统是使用虚拟资源的独立的操作环境。

    System virtualization creates many virtual systems within a single physical system ; virtual systems are independent operating environments that use virtual resources .

  25. 系统虚拟化最常使用虚拟机管理程序技术实现,虚拟机管理程序是能够虚拟化系统资源的软件或固件组件。

    System virtualization is most commonly implemented with hypervisor technology ; hypervisors are software or firmware components that are able to virtualize system resources .

  26. 最后,更加简单的一种虚拟化是操作系统虚拟化,其中一台计算机可以运行相同类型的多个操作系统。

    Finally , a simpler form of virtualization is operating system virtualization , in which a single computer runs numerous operating systems of the same type .

  27. 负载测试需要较多的资源,所有资源都来自同一个物理服务器,所以这些基准测试不应该在经过了操作系统虚拟化的系统上执行。

    The load tests require more resources , and all will share from the same physical server , so these benchmark tests should not be performed on operating system-virtualized systems .

  28. 最后,测试阶段,对基于操作系统虚拟化的溯源演示系统进行了测试,测试了其溯源误报率、溯源准确率、平均溯源时间。

    Finally , this paper shows the test result of the traceback system in the OS-based virtualization environment including the traceback false alarm rate , the traceable accuracy and the average time .

  29. 本系列文章首先介绍虚拟机管理程序类型和系统虚拟化的背景知识,然后介绍5个虚拟机管理程序的功能、它们的部署流程,以及您可能遇到的管理问题。

    This series starts with a background on hypervisor types and system virtualization , and then describes the features of five hypervisors , their deployment processes , and the management issues you might encounter .

  30. 在操作系统虚拟化实例内部,无法执行挂载文件系统、向原始套接字读/写数据、动态更改内核参数等实用操作。

    Inside the operating system virtual instance , some facilities like mounting the file system , reading / writing the data to raw sockets , and changing the kernel parameters dynamically are not available .