
  1. 痛风病本虚标实论治探讨

    Discussion on treatment of gout from the angle of deficiency in origin and excess in superficiality

  2. 依据郁邪致病的特点仅就伤寒六经病本证因郁而发并从郁论治的体系予以初步探讨。

    According to the features of pathogenic stagnation , the major syndrome of six-channel diseases of Shanghan and the differential treatment based on stagnation were discussed in this paper .

  3. 这种可致新生儿畸形的蚊媒传染病本已得到控制。在过去的几周,进入冬天的巴西,温度“骤降”到17摄氏度,这无疑对控制险情大有益处。

    The mosquito-borne disease , which causes devastating birth defects , has been largely under control in recent weeks thanks to the Brazilian winter as temperatures have ' dipped " to 17C .

  4. 结论:证实EXT为常染色体显性遗传病,本组外显率为97%。

    Conclusion : EXT is an autosomal dominant disorder and the penetrance is 97 % in this report .

  5. 结论慢性病是本社区的主要健康问题。

    Conclusion Chronic diseases were the major health problem among Anzhen community .

  6. 结果高血压病在本次社区诊断中患病率最高,为18.75%。

    Results With the morbidity of 18.75 % , hypertension was the highest incidence .

  7. 是多因素促成的上胃肠道动力障碍、与酸相关的慢性病。本症易反复发作。

    GERD is a chronic relapsing disease caused by upper gastrointestinal tract motility disfunction .

  8. 结果妊高征及慢性高血压病占本组病因的46.2%。

    Results Pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome and chronic hypertension were the main pathogeny of this disease ( 46.2 % ) .

  9. 47例螨类皮肤病的本底、峰值和峰时均无显著差异。拟长毛钝绥螨与朱砂叶螨相互作用的实验研究:功能反应和捕食过程

    The blank peak values and peak time in acarine dermatosis showed no significant difference . EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON ACARINE PREDATOR & PREY INTERACTIONS : FUNCTIONAL RESPONSES AND PREDATORY PROCESS

  10. 第一次心脏病发本该成为警告,让他停止喝酒或是多做做运动。

    This first heart attack could have served as a warning . It could have encouraged him to stop drinking or to exercise more . It almost certainly should have .

  11. 肝的功能失调是病之本,气滞血瘀的表现为病之标。

    The disorder function of liver is the " root " of the disease , and the appearance of the blood deficiency is the " branch " of the disease .

  12. 方法:对31例因颈椎病在本院行前路钛网椎间融合术的患者随访4个月~12个月,平均7.16个月。

    Method : 31 patients suffered from cervical spondylotic myelopathy treated surgically with anterior decompression and fusion with anterior plating and placing titanium mesh were followed with four months to twelve months .

  13. 银屑病俗称牛皮癣,是一种临床上常见的慢性炎症性、增生性皮肤病,本病常反复发作,难以根治,是皮外科重点研究疾病之一。

    Psoriasis is a common chronic inflammatory hypertrophic dermatosis . The disease usually has recurrent attacks and is hard to be cured . It is one of the focal points of dermasurgery study .

  14. 诊断为阳性的病患本应被转移到附近的治疗中心,但由于交通延误、其他病院过于拥挤,友好医院现在也收治一些病患。

    Patients who test positive for Ebola are supposed to be transferred to nearby treatment centres , but delays in transport and overcrowding elsewhere mean the Friendship Hospital is now also treating some patients .

  15. 我国多数杂交水稻组合不抗白叶枯病,本研究通过杂交、回交将单个或多个抗病基因转到或聚合到不育系和恢复系中,对杂交水稻进行抗性改良。

    Most of hybrid rice has no resistance to bacterial blight ( BB ) . One or two resistance genes were transferred or pyramided into male sterile lines or restorer lines through crossing and back-crossing breeding in order to improve their resistance or durable resistance .

  16. 不同类型甲状腺上动脉PSV对Graves病与桥本氏甲状腺炎鉴别诊断的价值

    Differential diagnosis of Graves ′ disease and Hashimoto ′ s thyroiditis by different types peak systolic velocity of the superior thyroid artery

  17. 在心脏病领域,本研究报道病例主要为诊断为特发性扩张型心肌病(DCM)合并房室传导阻滞(AVB)的患者。

    In the cardiology setting , patients diagnosed with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy ( DCM ) plus atrioventricular block ( AV constitute the majority of reported cases .

  18. 粤香占是感病品种,本研究测定的抗谱为25%,从其空间诱变品系中,获得高抗稻瘟病的2个品系YX-8和YX-9,抗谱达到94.4%。

    Yue-xiang - zhan is a variety susceptible to rice blast , whose resistance frequency is just only 25 % , while two space - induced lines , YX-8 and YX-9 , from Yue-xiang-zhan showed high resistance to blast and their resistance frequency were 94.4 % .

  19. 昨天听说你病了,本想昨天来看望你的。

    I wanted to come yesterday when I heard you were sick .

  20. 乌鲁木齐地区二类口岸病媒生物本底调查研究

    Survey on the Vector-borne biology at the second category of port in Urumqi area

  21. 通过理论分析,认为本病肾虚为本,毒瘀为标;

    The authors believe that the basic cause of the disease is kidney deficiency and the manifestation is the toxin and stasis .

  22. 这是由糖尿病心脏病大多为本虚标实,夹痰夹瘀决定的。

    This is decided by the pathogenesis of DC , the principal deficiency and sthenia of pathogenic factors like phlegm and blood stasis .

  23. 〔目的〕掌握长沙空港口岸病媒生物本底情况,为制定有效防治措施提供依据。

    Objective To master the background of vector biology at the Changsha international airport , and to provide the foundation for establishing effective measures of prevention and controlling .

  24. 结果:恶性肿瘤、脑血管疾病、呼吸系统疾病等慢性病是造成本社区居民减寿的主要原因;

    Results : Major health problems such diseases as malignant tumour , cerebral angioma , respiratory system diseases are main causes for death and life-span reduction in this district .

  25. 肥胖发病的根本病机是本虚标实,病位以脾胃为主,其他脏腑兼及。

    The essential pathogenesis of obesity is the standard is asthenia in origin and asthenia in superficiality , and the main viscera are spleen and stomach disease , with other organs included .

  26. 病机:本病多为虚实夹杂之证,气阴不足为病机之本,气、火、痰、瘀为病机之标。

    Pathogenesis : This disease is the actual situation mixture of certificate , yin deficiency for the pathogenesis of this , gas , fire , phlegm , blood stasis for the pathogenesis of .

  27. 结论:本病总属本虚标实,肾虚血瘀是老年慢阻肺合并肺间质纤维化的主要发病机理。

    Conclusion : The disease having the nature of the Ben Xu Biao Shi , kidney deficiency and blood stasis is the main pathogenesis of elderly chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with pulmonary interstitial fibrosis .

  28. 糖尿病合并冠心病病性为本虚标实之证,气阴两虚为本,痰浊、瘀血痹阻心脉为标。

    The diabetes and coronary heart disease have syndromes of root deficiency and branch excess , with deficiency in qi and yin as root , turbid-phlegm , heart vessel blocked by stasis blood as branch .

  29. 心衰基本病机为本虚标实,以虚为本,虚实夹杂,心气心阳不足是其发病的基本病理基础,痰浊、瘀血、水饮为其基本的病理改变。

    The basic pathogenesis of heart failure based virtual real to virtual-oriented , mixed actual situation , the heart is the lack of heart yang qi basic pathological basis of their disease , phlegm , blood stasis , drinking water , its basic pathological changes .

  30. 慢性肾衰竭基本病机为本虚标实,本虚主要为脾肾亏虚,标实为湿浊、水毒、瘀血。

    Deficiency in origin and excess in superficiality was the basical pathogenesis of chronic renal failure ( CRF ) . Deficiency in origin was asthenia of both the spleen and the kidney , and excess in superficiality was pathogenic damp , noxious water and blood stasis .