
tòng xìng jìng luán
  • cramp;crick;algospasm
痛性痉挛[tòng xìng jìng luán]
痛性痉挛[tòng xìng jìng luán]
  1. 痛性痉挛颈部或背部等能引起剧痛的肌肉抽筋或痉挛。

    A painful cramp or muscle spasm , as in the back or neck .

  2. 如果痛性痉挛发作,你可以做伸展运动、按摩,或者你能忍受的话,也可散步或者保持站立位来缓解;

    If you develop a cramp , you can help relax the knotted muscle with gentle stretching and massage ; walking or standing if you can manage it ;

  3. Lhermitte征和痛性痉挛较多见。

    Lhermitte sign and algospasm are found frequently .

  4. 矫形器和弓状物可以减轻腿部疲劳和肌肉痛性痉挛伴发的扁平足。

    Orthotics and arch supports can lessen leg fatigue and muscle cramps associated with pes planus .

  5. 沙门氏菌感染,又叫沙门氏菌病,导致腹泻、发烧、呕吐以及腹部痛性痉挛。

    Salmonella infection , known as salmonellosis , causes diarrhea , fever , vomiting and abdominal cramps .

  6. 在病变的下肢,有时轻微的运动也能引起疼痛和肌肉的痛性痉挛。

    In the leg , it can cause pain and muscle cramps , sometimes just from mild exercise .

  7. 用法:本药减慢消化系统的活性,因而减弱痛性痉挛和胃蠕动。

    Uses : this medication slows the activity of the digestive system , thereby reducing cramping and gastric motility .

  8. 轻度低钾表现为软弱无力、瘫痪、呼吸困难、便秘、麻痹性肠梗阻和腿部肌肉痛性痉挛;

    Symptoms of mild hypokalemia are weakness , fatigue , paralysis , respiratory difficulty , constipation , paralytic ileus , and leg cramps ;

  9. 某些女性会因子宫收缩而有痛性痉挛。每次来潮血量通常少于50毫升。月经因停经期出现而结束。

    Uterine contractions are felt as cramps . The amount of Blood lost is usually less than 1.7 oz ( 50 ml ) . Menstruation ends with menopause .

  10. 减少癌症风险、改善准妈妈的健康、减轻痛性痉挛或者提升气质,这都是使用节育方法的合适的医学原因。

    Whether it 's reducing the risk of cancer , improving the health of mothers-to-be , easing cramps or enhancing complexion , it 's nice to have a medical excuse for using birth control .

  11. 结果吡贝地尔对运动波动的剂末现象、开关现象和痛性痉挛的有效比例分别为19/24、9/22和3/4,总有效率为62%。

    Results The effective proportion of different fluctuating symptoms in end off dose , on off and cramp were 19 / 24,9 / 22 and 3 / 4 respectively . The total effective rate is 62 % .

  12. 抢救重症脊髓痛性强直痉挛一例报道

    Rescue of severe spinal painful tonic spasm : report of one case