
  • 网络misery index
  1. 宏观经济咨询机构CapitalEconomics的保罗•戴尔斯指出,美国痛苦指数即失业率和消费者价格指数通胀率之和上个月创下了28年以来的高点。

    The misery index – the sum of the unemployment and consumer price inflation rates – hit a 28-year high last month , notes Paul dales of capital economics .

  2. 鉴于在2008年之前,美国的痛苦指数在个位数保持了15年,奥巴马(obama)政府肯定希望在下届总统大选之前该指数能进一步下滑。

    Given that the misery index stayed in single figures for 15 years before 2008 , however , the Obama administration will surely want it to fall further before facing the voters .

  3. IBM近日发布通勤痛苦指数,针对全球20个大城市的通勤损失进行了调查,包括精神损失和经济损失。

    The IBM Commuter Pain Index survey ranks the emotional and economic toll of commuting in 20 major cities around the world .

  4. 至于美国,痛苦指数去年达到13%的峰值水平(当时茶叶党(TeaParty)运动正越来越受欢迎);这个数字如今为11%,低于雷曼(Lehman)破产前的水平。

    As for the US , the index peaked last year at 13 per cent ( when the Tea Party movement was gaining traction ); it is now at 11 , below its pre-Lehman level .

  5. 在《福布斯》(Forbes)年度税收痛苦指数中,瑞典排在,芬兰排第九。该指数衡量课税对资本和人才是了吸引排斥的作用。

    Forbes 's annual tax misery index , which evaluates whether taxes attract or repel capital and talent , placed Sweden fourth on the index and Finland ninth .

  6. 它仅是痛苦指数和因应资源的不平衡。

    It is simply an imbalance of pain versus coping resources .

  7. 集体所有土地产权保护与征地痛苦指数

    Protection of Collective-owned Land Property and Misery Index of Eminent Domain

  8. 病人每隔六十秒则必须报告他们的痛苦指数。

    They were asked to report on their pain every 60 seconds .

  9. 住房痛苦指数降至1991年来最低。

    The housing index hits lowest level since 1991 .

  10. 上海住房痛苦指数以较慢的速度增长。

    Shanghai housing index rises at slower pace .

  11. 这就是奥巴马痛苦指数,它已经达到创记录的高度。

    This is the Obama Misery Index , and it 's at a record high .

  12. 斯德哥尔摩的通勤痛苦指数最低,仅为15,斯德哥尔摩、墨尔本和休斯顿的道路交通状况最为乐观。

    Stockholm with a low index score of15 Melbourne and Houston had the most pain-free roadway traffic .

  13. 发达程度相当之高的西班牙的痛苦指数高于印度或巴基斯坦,这更为令人困惑。

    Quite developed Spain , which has a higher misery index than India or Pakistan , is more puzzling .

  14. 《福布斯》杂志推出的“税负痛苦指数”榜单上,中国内地连续两年位居第二。

    The Chinese mainland has ranked number two in Forbes Magazine 's " Tax Misery Index " for the second year running .

  15. 1983年痛苦指数的高点是14.1,现在看来高得有些吓人,但当时是5年内的最低值。

    The 1983 peak was 14.1 , which looks terrifyingly high now but at the time was the lowest reading in five years .

  16. 西方国家把失业率和通胀率之和称为痛苦指数,用以表示一国居民因此而遭受苦难的程度。

    In economic theory , the sum of unemployment rate and inflation rate is regarded as the " misery index ", Used to show the pain what the people suffered .

  17. 根据内涵和计算方法的不同,征地痛苦指数又可分为主观征地痛苦指数和客观征地痛苦指数。

    According to the different content and different method of calculation , Misery Index of Eminent Domain can be classified as Subjective Misery Index of Eminent Domain and Objective Misery Index of Eminent Domain .

  18. 美国痛苦指数上个月达到了12.7,为1983年以来新高&当时美国时任总统是罗纳德•里根,而股市和债市的大牛市刚刚萌芽。

    At a recent 12.7 , the misery index is at its highest level since 1983 , when Ronald Reagan was president and the great bull markets in stocks and bonds were in their infancy .

  19. 但当里根在1980年11月的大选中击败吉米•卡特的时候,失业率是7.5%,而通胀率是12.7%,加起来痛苦指数超过了20。

    But hey , when Reagan beat Jimmy Carter in the November 1980 election , unemployment was 7.5 % and inflation was , um , 12.7 % , for a nifty misery score above 20 .

  20. 举例来说,当我首先在18岁是出现了症状后,我的痛苦指数是10。每当我怀孕期间又强势复发,当我三个孩子很小时疼痛到达最大程度。

    For example , my pain rated a10 when I first developed symptoms , at age18.It came on strong again during each of my pregnancies , and stayed at maximum force when all three of my kids were tiny .

  21. 主要得到以下结论:1.修订的痛苦表露指数量表的信度和效度符合心理测量学的要求。

    The indicators of reliability and validity of the revised scale of The Distress Disclosure Index are in line with the requirements of psychometrics . 2 .