
Bái yún shān
  • White Cloud Hill
  1. 用RS、GIS方法探测白云山景观资源情况

    A Probe of Baiyun Mountain Landscape Resources Based on RS , GIS

  2. 白云山土壤微生物的季节变化及其对环境污染的反应

    Seasonal Variation of Soil Microbes and Its Reaction to Environment Pollution

  3. 石灰土山地土地资源基层分类与生态经济开发&以浙江开化县塘坞乡为例白云山(英文)医巫闾山国家重点风景名胜

    Basic classification of land resources in limestone soil mountain and the

  4. 白云山风景区林地小气候与环境

    The Woodland Microclimate and Environment of the Baiyun Mountain Scenic Spot

  5. 白云山也是羊城新八景之一。

    It is one of the eight new attractions in Guangzhou .

  6. 旅游干扰对白云山土壤和植被的影响

    The Effects of Tourist Disturbance on Soil and Vegetation in Baiyun Mountain

  7. 丽水白云山野生观赏植物资源的开发与应用

    Study on Wild Ornamental Plant Resource in Baiyun Mountain of Zhejiang Province

  8. 威博先生:去白云山。

    Mr Webb : Let 's go to Baiyun Hill .

  9. 白云山国家森林公园珍稀濒危植物资源初步调查

    Investigation on the rare and preserved plant resources of Bai - yun Mountain

  10. 原为白云山风景区的组成部分。

    Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area was an integral part .

  11. 每个星期他都会去一趟白云山,锻炼身体;

    Every week he would go through the Baiyun Mountain , physical inactivity ;

  12. 吉安县白云山水库优化调度方案的编制

    Optimal Operation of Baiyun Mountain Reservoir in Jian County

  13. 广州市白云山降水的化学特征及源解析

    Chemical Characteristic and Source Assessment of Wet Precipitation at Mountain Baiyun , Guangzhou

  14. 浙江丽水白云山种子植物多样性研究

    Study on Diversity of Seed Plants in Baiyun Mountain of Lishui , Zhejiang Province

  15. 湖南保靖县白云山木本植物区系的研究

    A Study of Woody Plant Flora of Baiyun Mountain in Baojing County Hunan Province

  16. 简妮:在白云山的动物园里能看到许许多多的鸟。

    Janet : We can see more birds at the zoo than on Baiyun Hill .

  17. 丽水市白云山森林植被区系的地理成分研究

    Study on the geographical composition of the flora of forest vegetation of Baiyun-mountain in Lishui

  18. 一起去爬白云山吧!

    Let us climb the Baiyun mountain !

  19. 这个假期,我花了很多时间在白云山的山林之间。

    I spent a lot of time among the forests of Baiyun mountains during the holiday .

  20. 在竞争的早期阶段,广州白云山制药总厂似乎胜出。

    In the early stages of the competition , Guangzhou Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical appears to have emerged triumphant .

  21. 位于白云山风景区南麓,登高可眺望市区全景。

    Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area in the south , can take a panoramic view of the urban area .

  22. 对浙江丽水白云山野生观赏植物资源的多样性、分布类型和性质进行研究。

    Situated in the south of Zhejiang Province , Baiyun Mountain is abundant in wild ornamental plant resources .

  23. 广州市白云山、电视塔春季酸性降水的研究

    The study on acid precipitation in spring in the Baiyun Mountain and TV Tower district , Guangzhou City

  24. 请告诉我,我该坐哪路车到白云山呢?

    Would you please tell me which bus I must take to get to the Bai Yun mountains ?

  25. 广州市白云山西侧绿化休闲带植物资源调查研究

    An Investigation of Vascular Plant Resources at the Recreation Landscape Greenbelt on Western Side of Baiyun Mountain , Guangzhou

  26. 广州白云山风景名胜区被誉为广州的市肺,发挥着重要的生态功能和社会功能。

    Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area as known as the lung of Guangzhou city , playing an important ecological functions and social functions .

  27. 重组后如何整合双方的资源,发挥协同作用,形成企业的竞争优势,是重组后的白云山能否获得持续发展的关键。

    The key lies in how to integrate the resources of both parties to exert synergy effect and engender enterprise 's competitive superiority .

  28. 综述了44年来个旧白云山霞石正长岩开发利用研究的基本情况。

    In this paper , the authors reviewed the development and research status of nepheline syenite in Gejiu in the last 44 years .

  29. 该刊物罗列出了人们在白云山公园内的十大不文明行为。

    A list of the top ten uncivilized behavior common to the people who visited the local scenic spot of Baiyun Mountain was even compiled .

  30. 在丽水白云山设立39个样点,调查了54种主要木本植物的生态重要值。

    In Baiyun Mountain of Lishui , Zhejiang Province , 39 sites were sampled and the ecological important values of 54 wood plants were surveyed .