
bái dài ɡuò duō
  • leukorrhagia
  1. 完带汤出自清代名医傅青主之手,主要用来治疗脾虚肝郁、湿浊下注所致的白带过多之证。

    Wandai Decoction , one of Fu Qingzhu s experienced formulae , is mainly used for spleen-deficiency and liver-stagnation syndrome marked by leukorrhagia due to downward flow of dampness and heat .

  2. 白色念珠菌感染造成白带过多。

    Sixth , the white rosary fungus infection causes the leucorrhea to be excessively many .

  3. 慢性盆腔炎造成白带过多。

    Fourth , the chronic pelvic inflammatory disease causes the leucorrhea to be excessively many .

  4. 北京龙城妇科医院专家提醒:白带过多,白带增多是个征侯群。

    Beijing Dragon City Gynecology department Hospital expert reminds : The leucorrhea are excessively many , the leucorrhea increases is drafts the marquis group .

  5. 有些种类的病原菌进入女性的生殖系统,可能感染生殖道,从而造成白带过多。

    Some type 's disease germ enters feminine reproductive system , possibly infects the genital tract , thus causes the leucorrhea to be excessively many .

  6. 功效:全方位增强卵巢功能,调节内分泌及生殖系统,改善痛经、月经不调、白带过多、阴道分泌过少,平衡荷尔蒙。

    Function : strengthens the function of ovary wholly , regulates endocrine and reproductive system , improves dysmenorrhea , irregular menstration and leukorrhea , balances hormone level .