
  • Bai Baihe;【人名】Baihe Bai
  1. 但是自2011年拍片成名之后,白百何就成为了收入更高的那个。

    After shooting to stardom in 2011 , Bai Baihe has been the breadwinner .

  2. 事实上,在白百何刚从中戏毕业的那一年,他们二人就结婚了。

    They actually got married the year she graduated from the Central Academy of Drama .

  3. 但是当时并没有多少人知道白百何已经结婚了--也可能是因为她结婚实在太早了(22岁)!

    However , it is not commonly known that Bai Baihe is married ... or that she married so young ( at 22 ) !

  4. 日前,中国内地电视台浙江卫视澄清了因白百何出轨事件导致预计播出的电视剧下架的谣言。

    Mainland broadcast station , Zhejiang TV has recently denied rumours that they have rescheduled the airing of Bai Baihe 's new drama following reports of her extra-marital affair .

  5. 据腾讯报道,由白百何和靳东领衔出演的医疗行业题材的电视剧《外科风云》已经于4月17日晚如期开播。

    As reported on Tencent , the drama , a medical-related series called " Surgeons " co-starring Bai , Jin Dong and Jean Li , has been scheduled to be released on April 17 .

  6. 最近,在白百何被拍到和一神秘男子同游泰国,举止十分亲密之后,媒体便曝出白百何背叛十余年的丈夫的新闻。

    The media recently alleged that Bai has cheated on her husband of more than ten years , Chen Yufan , when she was spotted acting cozy with another man while on a trip to Thailand .

  7. 白百何凭借在《滚蛋吧肿瘤君》中演绎一个对抗恶性肿瘤漫画家,直到30岁去世的角色成功加冕年度最佳女演员奖。

    And Bai Baihe has been crowned Actress of the Year for her role in ' Go Away Mr. Tumor ' as a cartoonist who fights against a malignant tumor until she loses the battle at the age of 30 .

  8. 由于之前也发生过演员和制作团队因负面新闻备受争议导致作品停播的事件,所以很多观众认为,《外科风云》这部剧也会由于白百何的丑闻而理所当然被停播。

    Since it was almost natural for a drama to be cancelled following controversies concerning its actors or its production team , many thought that " Surgeons " will not see the light of day now that its lead star is involved in such a scandal .