
bái chī
  • idiot;moron;idiocy;cretin;wally
白痴 [bái chī]
  • [idiot] 由于大脑不完全的或变态的发展所造成的智力极端落后,通常是先天的或产生于儿童早期疾病或损伤对发育所起的阻碍作用

白痴[bái chī]
  1. 我们一起为这种白痴的,全无可能的行径大笑了许久。

    We laughed together at the idiocy and sheer impossibility of such a moment .

  2. 你说你的头发一去不复返了?他说时几乎带着白痴的神情。

    You say your hair is gone ?' he said with an air almost of idiocy .

  3. 他像白痴一样净把车往最不可思议的地方开。

    He drove like an idiot , passing in the craziest places .

  4. 我觉得自己就像个十足的白痴。

    I felt a right idiot .

  5. 他看上去像个十足的白痴。

    He looks a real idiot .

  6. 你这个白痴!

    You stupid idiot !

  7. “你一定觉得我简直是个白痴.”

    ' You must think I 'm a real idiot . '

  8. 据说他称她是“满嘴谎话的可恶白痴”。

    He reportedly called her ' a lying little twit ' .

  9. 为什么要宣传报道这个行为任性、青春期未满的白痴呢?

    Why give publicity to this self-indulgent , adolescent oaf ?

  10. 卡斯特是个白痴,是个残暴的家伙,他罪有应得。

    Custer was an idiot and a brute and he deserved his fate .

  11. 格林菲尔德表现得像一个不负责任的白痴。

    Greenfield was behaving like an irresponsible idiot .

  12. “你这个白痴!”她大叫道。

    ' You fool ! ' she shouted

  13. 先是一阵沉默,然后拉里像个白痴似的呵呵笑起来。

    There was silence for a moment , then Larry began chortling like an idiot .

  14. 他毫无办法,只好像白痴似地呆在自己的座位上,眼看着可怕的团团黑烟直往上喷,要弄死他。

    There was nothing he could do but sit there like an idiot and watch the ugly black puffs smashing up to kill him .

  15. 但是要是我们象白痴农奴那样去耕地,我们永远也看不到这样的荣耀!

    But we will never see that glory if we till the soil like oafish farm hands .

  16. 乔治•W•布什说,“我们的进口产品越来越多地来自国外,”说这话时他显得很白痴。

    When George W.Bush says " increasingly our imports are from abroad " he looks an idiot .

  17. 他还写过一本具有深刻见解的书:《如何为白痴工作:不炒老板照样成功》(HowtoWorkforanIdiot:SurviveandThriveWithoutKillingYourBoss)。

    He also wrote an insightful book called how to work for an idiot : survive and thrive without killing your boss .

  18. 必须给那些东奔西跑嚷着“非正式SOA(guerrillaSOA)”的白痴们摆个位置。

    The idiots that are running around yelling " guerrilla SOA " have to be put in their place .

  19. John是个运动白痴,但他看起来似乎没那么简单,他有普林斯顿大学的法律学位,而且还是个画家。

    John looks like a dumb athlete , but there 's much more to him than that , he also has a law degree from Princeton and is a good painter .

  20. 你认为我是一个白痴么,sheppard少校?

    Do you think I 'm a fool , major sheppard ?

  21. 好,那你为什么要撒谎说是Jenny?idiot:白痴因为我是个白痴。

    Serena : Okay , so why 'd you lie and say it was Jenny ? - Dan : Because I 'm an idiot .

  22. 丹妮尔,我是Chandler,我很好,我不知道你是否打过电话给我,因为我这个白痴不小心把电话关了。

    Danielle , hi ! It 's , uh , it 's Chandler ! I 'm fine . Uh , listen , I don 't know if you tried to call me , because , uh , idiot that I am , I accidentally shut off my phone .

  23. 这使我想起了掘墓的恶鬼,白痴和狂人的嚎叫。

    It reminded me of ghouls and idiots and insane howlings .

  24. 我不像白痴一样整天笑。

    I don 't laugh all day long like an idiot .

  25. 艾米:哦,不,不要美国白痴!

    Amy : Oh no , not American Idiots , too !

  26. 这个幸运的白痴不用去极品那里。

    This fool 's lucky he didn 't walk into gamma .

  27. 你这个十足的白痴!你那样做是为了什么?

    You complete idiot ! What did you do that for ?

  28. 你当我白痴?老糊涂呀?嗑?!

    Don 't you think I am idiot ? Eat this ?

  29. 你知道咩?人体60%的成分是水。(当观众白痴么?)

    Did you know , the human body is60 % water ?

  30. 我太粗鲁了,我道歉,我是白痴。

    I apologize for my rudeness . I am an idiot !