
zuì yǔ fá
  • crime and punishment
  1. 他把书名定为《罪与罚》。

    He entitled The Book Crime and punishment .

  2. 这是一个罪与罚的黑暗故事,可能会引起人们的兴趣,因为影片《聚焦》(Spotlight)反映《波士顿环球报》(BostonGlobe)调查神父性侵事件以及罗马天主教会对此的掩饰同样获得了大奖。

    A dark tale of crime and punishment , the film might generate interest in light of " Spotlight , " the award-winning film about the Boston Globe investigation into sexual abuse by priests and the Roman Catholic Church cover-up .

  3. 杜思托也夫斯基《罪与罚》卷六、终章。

    Dostoyevsky , Crime and Punishment , Part VI , Epilogue .

  4. 试论《罪与罚》中梦的艺术含蕴

    On the Artistic Implication of the Dream in Crime & Punishment

  5. 巴赫金复调理论诗学与陀思妥耶夫斯基的《罪与罚》

    Polyphonic Theory of Bakhtin and Dostoevsky s Crime and Punishment ;

  6. 一部俄罗斯式的新长篇小说&试论《罪与罚》

    A New Novel of Russian Style - On Crime and Punishment ;

  7. 这本书取名为《罪与罚》。

    This book is entitled " crime and punishment " .

  8. 俄罗斯文学中的反省意识和忏悔精神&从《罪与罚》说起

    Consciousness of Meditation and Spirit of Regret in Russian Literature

  9. 罪与罚应相当。

    The punishment should fit ie be appropriatefor the crime .

  10. 论《罪与罚》的艺术特色

    Discussing the Artistic Characteristics of " Crime and Punishment "

  11. 罪与罚本是同茎生。

    Crime and punishment grow out of one stem .

  12. 罪与罚&司法公正的统计学分析

    Guilt and Penalty & Statistic Analysis of the Justice

  13. 罪与罚主题价值内涵的变迁

    On the Motif of Crime and Punishment : Its Vicissitude of Values and Connotations

  14. 羞耻和内疚的差异探索罪与罚&司法公正的统计学分析

    The Differences Between Shame and Guilt Guilt and Penalty & Statistic Analysis of the Justice

  15. 为探究《罪与罚》的主题,对其作者陀思妥耶夫斯基的自身境遇以及该作品中的主人公的境遇进行分析。

    This paper conducts analysis for the inner-line theme of Christianity in Dostoyevsky 's Crime and Punishment .

  16. 心灵的颤音&《罪与罚》的写作技巧评说

    The Trill of the Soul

  17. 但高尔基称《罪与罚》的作者的天才是无可争辩的,就艺术表现力来讲,他的才华只有莎士比亚可以与之并列。

    However , Gorky once said that only Shakespeare could match him in the capacity for artistic description .

  18. 正是基于这一原因,本稿在讨论包公故事中的法律问题时,首先标举罪与罚这个题目。

    It is based on the above-mentioned legal story that the article is entitled " crime and punishment " .

  19. 《罪与罚》作为其代表作之一,也展现了作者的这一才华。

    " Crime and Punishment " as one of its representative , but also the author of this talent .

  20. 《罪与罚》是心理小说的典范,长久以来它象磁石一般吸引着人们。

    The psychological description characterizes the novel Crime & Punishment , and attracts people 's attention for a long time .

  21. 约伯性格对罪与罚理念转换的意义

    On the Significance of the Effect of Job 's Character Upon the Change of the Ideas About Crime and Punishment

  22. 这本《罪与罚》你都看了三个星期了,怎么还没看完呀!

    You have been reading this Crime and Punishment for three weeks ! How come you still haven 't finished it ?

  23. 通过对陀思妥耶夫斯基的两部长篇小说《罪与罚》和《白痴》的分析,探讨了他的写作意义。

    By analyzing Dostoyevsky 's two novels , Sin & Punishment and The Idiot , the essay probes into his writing significance .

  24. 罪与罚本恶,刑法的根据使之合法化并成为刑法正当之善,但同时也注定其张力之限度。

    Crime and punishment are evil in essence , but the ground of criminal law legalizes and justifies them , and also limits the tension .

  25. 或者把书和性格类型配对:比如《生命之歌》给正在崭露头角的唐纳德·特朗普,《罪与罚》给刚出道的康拉德·布莱克。

    Or pairing books with personality types : Apologia Pro Vita Sua for a budding Donald Trump and Crime and Punishment for a budding Conrad Black .

  26. 随着大多数电影票销售一空,此次“罪与罚”电影节可以说以及取得了成功。

    With most of the performances of the films sold out , the " Crime and Punishment " festival is already being seen as a success .

  27. 分析了导致《罪与罚》中拉斯柯尼科夫精神分裂的原因;

    This paper analyzed the causes of schizophrenia of Raskolnikov in " Crime and Punishment ", from two aspects of the crime motive and understanding of crime ;

  28. 但基督教的罪与罚等思想意识却是他创作的中心主题之一,同时也是他受基督教文化影响的一个显著标志。

    Christian ideas such as sin and punishment , however , were adopted as the motifs of his works , revealing the influence of Christian culture upon him .

  29. 本文在欧洲文学和俄罗斯文学的大背景上对陀思妥耶夫斯基的长篇小说《罪与罚》的艺术内容和艺术形式进行了新的评价。

    In the context of European and Russian literature , the dissertation reappraises the artistic content and form of " Crime and Punishment ", the novel of Dostoevsky .

  30. 陀斯妥耶夫斯基小说《罪与罚》中的人物;他杀死老太太,因为他认为自己超越善恶。

    A fictional character in Dostoevsky 's novel ` Crime and Punishment ' ; he kills old women because he believes he is beyond the bounds of good or evil .